




优势 –正将属性在组织内部在管理者的控制。优势包括资源、竞争优势、劳动力中的积极方面以及与业务相关的所有方面,这些都可以做得很好,重点是增加附加值作为竞争优势的组件内部。因此,实力将是研究竞争对手的营销策略,并使营销计划比他们更成功。公司的另一个优势和优势是提供更低的价格,或者提供高质量的服务或额外的好处。
缺点 –保持竞争力,会在专业知识的局限性的限制,在资源缺乏,并获得技术的局限性。这些弱点总结了企业中消极的方面,这会降低公司产品的价值或提供的服务。
机会 –作为技术尤其是这些天,很明显,在市场上有很多的机会,手机行业正在蓬勃发展,很多。代表企业在市场中存在的动机的外部因素概述。这些因素将包括一个具体的机会,这将有利于公司,并提供能力,在竞争对手的最高程度的价值,以促进对公司的产品和服务的需求上升(日,S,G.,1984)。
威胁 –威胁超出了控制,一个地方的潜力在公司的市场营销策略风险的组织外部因素。正如前几天手机所说的,在市场上有很大的机会,这意味着市场上也有很多竞争。为了在市场上占有一席之地,各种公司纷纷推出创新产品。因此,要克服所有的竞争对手,在市场上占有很好的地位,市场上存在着如此多的强硬者是很困难的。


SWOT analysis can aid to the creation of the contingency plan which will be able to rapidly and efficiently address on these issues which arises.
Strengths – The Positive would attribute the internal in the organization within the manager’s control. The Strengths includes the resources, a competitive advantage, a positive aspect in the workforce and all the aspects connected to the business which can be done well, by focusing on the internal of components which adds a add value as a competitive advantage. Thus, the strength would be studying the marketing strategies of the competitors and making a marketing plan more success than them. Another advantage and strength to the company would be by offering a lower prices or by providing the quality services or additional benefits which justify on the higher price.
Weaknesses – Maintaining the competitive edge would limit in the expertise limitations, lack in the resources, and access to technology limitations. The Weaknesses summarize a negative internal of the aspects in the business which would diminish the value of the company’s products or the services offered.
Opportunities – As the technology especially the cell phone industry is booming a lot these days it is obvious that there are lots of opportunities in the market. The Summary of external factors which represents a motivation in the business to exist in the market place. Those factors would include a specific opportunities which will provide benefit to the company and an ability to provide a top degree of the value with relation in your competitors for promoting a raise in demand to the company’s products and services (Day & S., G., 1984).
Threats –Threats are the External factors which are beyond a control of the organization which have a potential of a place in the company’s marketing strategy at risk. As said before cell phones these days have a great opportunities in the market, it means that there is also a lot of competition in the market. Various companies are coming up with innovative products in order to make a place in the market. Thus, it would be difficult to overcome all the competitors and place a good position in the market, with so many existing tough players in the market.
SWOT analysis can aid to the creation of the contingency plan which will be able to rapidly and efficiently address on these issues which arises.



