



这是美国革命给社会造成的一种修辞。(木材,96)。在这一质疑君主政体的过程中,美国革命中倡导共和主义理念的知识分子和人民,并不想将国王斩首,而是希望在处理问题时采取一种更加调和的态度。他们不是敌人,也不认为自己是君主制的敌人。相反,他们想成为一个独立的共和国。有人指出,这一概念本身是激进的,因为它带来了社会的转变,在社会开始运作的方式(伍德,97)在现实中,有一种高水平的共和主义态度,发现弥漫在说英语的社会。这种现象在欧洲各地都很普遍,尤其是在说英语的国家。因此,对于美国来说,将共和主义的概念引入到君主制之上,很简单,就是将已经存在于社会中的共和主义概念带到表面上来(Wood 109)。一旦从英国君主政体中寻求独立,许多有趣的事件就在全国范围内发生了。


From this, it is understood that the social class did not change immediately after the end of the American Revolution. Slavery continued to exist in the societies. White people continued to rule America. Unlike French revolution, there was no real change in the social hierarchy. Rich people continued to be rich and hence there has been an ideology that American Revolution was not radical. However, it had planted the important seeds of independence that was in itself radical. The reasons for considering the American Revolution as radical have been elucidated in detail. American Revolution had sown the seeds for independence and slowly restored the value of freedom and the rhetoric of liberty in the society. As a first step, it promoted the ideas of Republicanism. This was elucidated by the founding fathers of the nation. The American Revolution in many ways promoted the ideals of republicanism of the monarchies. This republicanism is an ideology where the people are stated to belong to a particular republic rather than monarchy or oligarchy. No monarchy will willingly agree to be overthrown for a republicanism precedent.
This was one of the rhetoric that the American Revolution caused in the societies. (Wood, 96). In this process of questioning the monarchy, the intellectuals and the people promoting the republicanism concept in American Revolution did not want to behead the Kings rather wanted a more conciliatory approach in dealing with the situation. They were not enemies, nor did they consider being enemies of the monarchy. Rather, they wanted to be an independent republic. It has been stated that this notion in itself is radical as it brings a social shift and in the ways the societies start to function (Wood, 97)In reality, there was a high level of republicanism attitude that was found to pervade in the English speaking society. This was found to be prevalent all around Europe and esp. in the English speaking country. Therefore, for America to bring in these notions of republicanism over monarchy was a simple matter of bringing it to the surface that had already existed in the societies (Wood 109).Once independence was sought from the British monarchy, a number of interesting events were found to have occurred across the nations.



