



在某些情况下,国家分配性别角色就像是一种控制形式。它剥夺了女性的力量,让她们变得无力,依赖于男性。在1979年伊斯兰革命的余波中,妇女的角色基本上被指定为在家。在阿富汗、苏丹、阿尔及利亚和其他东正教伊斯兰社区,家是妇女的新国家。这种分配给女性的传统和从属角色削弱了她们的权力(Cooke, 2011)。这些妇女通过她们的存在加入了像阿拉伯之春这样的社会运动,她们被赋予了屈从的角色,挑战着妇女权利的增长。在这里,国家赋予女性的性别角色的形式削弱了她们的权力(Cooke, 2011)。然而,如果认为性别作用和剥夺权力仅仅是中东的问题,那将是荒谬的。事实上,这个问题在所有社会中都存在。

媒体在显示对妇女的陈规定型观念方面起着非常关键的作用,而且无意中,有时甚至有意地在剥夺妇女权力方面起着作用。在《双重危险》一书中,比尔(2008)讲述了身为黑人和女性是如何面临双重危险的。弗朗西丝·M·比尔(Frances M Beal)是来自美国纽约的黑人女权主义者。她描述了在美国,男子气概和男性角色是如何不同于女性角色的。一个男人如果有一份好工作,挣得更多,并且开一辆像凯迪拉克那样的车,那么他就被认为是一个真正的男人。缺少这些的人就不怎么像个男人。男人扮演的角色是养家糊口的女人。媒体广告的形式也集中在这一点上。它显示男人作为一个工人,挣钱,抽烟,或喝威士忌。另一方面,即使是这些广告也没有展现女性的赋权状态,而是分配了像母亲和家庭主妇这样的性别角色。正如Beal(2008)所指出的那样,“女性的理想模式是被虚伪的尊敬所包围,与所有真正的工作疏远,把空闲的时间花在打扮和打扮上,沉迷于炫耀性的消费,把生活的功能限制在简单的性别角色上。”一个女人呆在家里,照顾孩子和家务,通常过着一种极度贫瘠的生活。她的一生都必须是伴侣的卫星。他走出去进入社会,为她带回世界的一小部分”(比尔,2008,第167页)。职业妇女和家庭主妇都需要工作和欣赏。然而,媒体呈现妇女的角色以及妇女如何依赖她们的男人的方式,已经超出了角色假设的范围;这实际上是在贬低和削弱女性的权力。在中东的情况下,在比尔所呈现的情况下,这种性别角色的表现可能会产生更多的负面影响。

Assignment of gender role by the state in some situation is like a form of control. It takes away the power of the women leaving them powerless and dependent on the man. In the aftermath of the Islamic revolution of the 1979, women’s role has been largely designated as being within their houses. In Afghanistan, Sudan, Algeria and other orthodox Islam communities, the home is the new nation of the women. Such traditional and subservient roles assigned to women served to disempower them (Cooke, 2011). The same women who add to a social movement like the Arab Spring through their presence are given subservient roles that challenge the growth of women empowerment. The form of gender roles that are given by the state to women here serves to disempower them (Cooke, 2011). However, it would be preposterous to assume that gender roles and disempowerment as being an issue of the Middle East alone. In fact, this issue exists across all societies.

The media plays a very critical role in displaying stereotypical notions of women, and inadvertently and sometimes even intentionally plays a part in disempowerment. In Double Jeopardy, Beal (2008) talks about how being black and being a woman is a double jeopardy. Frances M Beal is a Black feminist from New York, United States. She describes how manhood and men’s roles are presented different to women’s roles in the United States. A man who has a good job and is able to earn better and drives a car like the Cadillac is considered a real man. Someone who lacks these is less of a man. Man’s role is presented as the breadwinner her. The form of advertisements in media also focuses on these points. It shows man as a worker, earning, smoking a cigarette, or drinking whisky. On the other hand, even these advertisements fail to present women in an empowered state, and instead assigns gender roles like that of a mother and a home maker. As Beal (2008) presents it, “The ideal model that is projected for a woman is to be surrounded by hypocritical homage and estranged from all real work, spending idle hours primping and preening, obsessed with conspicuous consumption, and limiting life’s functions to simply a sex role. […] A woman, who stays at home, caring for children and the house, often leads an extremely sterile existence. She must lead her entire life as a satellite to her mate. He goes out into society and brings back a little piece of the world for her” (Beal, 2008, p. 167). A working woman and a woman who is a home maker both work and their work required appreciation. However, the way, the media presents the role of women and how women are dependent on their men, is beyond just role assumptions; it actually degrades and disempowers women. In the situation of the Middle East, and the situation that Beal presents, it is possible that such representation of gender roles could go on to have more negative consequences.





