








The objective of developing the chapel was that the iconography of the ceiling should be read with different layers in meaning. The chapel was a regular meeting place for many of the Papal and it is expected that different theological meanings should be developed on the ceiling for the different consumers of the client to look at.

The target audience are the papal people. Pope Julius commissioned its creation. It was used for religious masses (prayers) and for meetings of the Papal. This was the primary target audience. The secondary target audience can be understood in the way Pope Julius was eager to aggressively present church leadership. Anybody who comes to know about the greatness of the development in the chapel would be a secondary target audience.

The message conveyed in the ceiling is the doctrine of humanity and the need for salvation. Basically, the message representation was to be somewhat like a metaphor highlighting the covenant with God. The narrations are from the Book of Genesis. There are nine scenes from the Book of Genesis. There are some shorter representations from the book, too. Humanity losing the favour of God is presented, followed by the coming of Christ as the saviour of mankind. Some messages are very direct and some messages highlight symbolic meanings.

Tone – The tone used in the development of the Sistine chapel was Fresco style. The images are religious in nature and are bold. It is hidden with more symbolic meanings than direct meanings.

Budget: It is commissioned by Pope Julius the third, and hence, the Church handles the budgeting for the development of this project.




