





The identification of specific outcomes is the starting point of any planning process. The targets are set in the planning process that depends on the environment it comes across. The targets are all the more relevant if the environment is uncertain or is changing rapidly. The plans that the organizations make often includes actions in shaping and stabilizing the environment. The actions of such nature can include government lobbying, creation of industry network or philanthropy. The statement of the steps required in achieving the objectives is termed as the organization’s plan (Cyert, 1994). The systematic planning process has five sequential steps of action as follows.
a.Define objectives: The desired outcomes are identified specifically. The destination should be identified, the goals should be specific so that it is understood clearly when the goal is reached, or understanding the gap between the goal and points that organization must be placed at various points in time.
b.Determining where the organization stands with respect to the objective: The current accomplishments are evaluated in the relation to the results that are desired.
c.Developing grounds related to the future conditions: Trying in anticipating future events. The alternative scenarios are developed related to the future conditions. Identifying the each scenario and positive and negative catalysts of the progress that heads towards objectives.
d.Analyzing and choosing among the action alternatives: Evaluating and listing of the actions that can be possibly taken. Then choosing the action that is most likely to achieve the organization’s objective.
e.Implementing the plan and evaluating the result: the action is taken followed by measurement of progress in relation to the objectives. The requirement of the plan is implemented, the results are evaluated, corrective action taken, and the plans are set for revision (Hiam, 1993).
The planning process is the systematic way of approaching two key activities: (a) to set up performance activities; and (b) decision regarding the way to achieve them best. The clear articulation of the objective for any organization is very important.



