




栖息地随地域的不同而不同。裸露的岩石海岸承载着许多关于分区的信息(香港公开大学,2013年)。可以识别出不同的区域,如溅水区、潮间带和潮下带。地带性受到生物和非生物因素的影响(Wong, 2002)。非生物因素有波浪作用、潮汐作用、热作用、应力作用等。一些生物因素是幼虫的定居,捕食和行为移动模式在海岸线上。飞溅区是通常被飞溅和飞溅浸湿的区域,不会在任何时候被涨潮淹没(Acosta et al., 2007)。潮间带为中边缘带,分为潮间带、潮间带和潮间带。这种划分将取决于这些区域被淹没在水中的时间(Doody, 2012)。除了低潮等时候,低潮区是唯一几乎总是受潮汐影响的区域。


Lung Lok Shui is a typical hard shore. Hard shores on the other hand are made of softer materials such as sedimentary rocks that are exposed to the tides. Exposed bedrock is impacted on by waves and an open sea line. Steep slopes are created and some of the platforms are very high or narrow.

Habitats vary as the zonation varies. An exposed rocky shore carries much information on zonation (The Open University of Hong Kong, 2013). Different zones can be identified such as the splash zone, the intertidal zone, and the sub-tidal zone. Zonation is affected and modified by both abiotic and biotic factors (Wong, 2002). Some of the abiotic factors are tat of wave action, tidal action, heat, stress etc. Some of the biotic factors are larval settlement, predation and behavioral mobility patterns on the shore lines. The splash zone is that zone which is usually wetted with splash and spray and would not be immersed in high tide at any time (Acosta et al., 2007). Intertidal zone is considered as the middle fringe zone and it has higher, middle, and lower intertidal zone. This division will be dependent on the amount of time that these zones are submerged in water (Doody, 2012). The sub-tidal zone is the only zone that is almost always under the influence of the tide except for such times like low tides.

For Hong Kong, during the summer time, the following can be observed. The splash zone has a very high temperature, and nutrients can be observed in the splash zone, too. In the intertidal or the littoral zone, strong wave impacts exists, and temperature is little lower than the splash zoned. Small irregular pools could be observed here. The lowest zone is subject to much higher differences in temperature. Dissolved oxygen is high in this region, and salinity.




