



本研究也有一定的缺点和局限性,如在表示,即使立意抽样确定警察机构及其亚组分层随机抽样。即使消除过度措施已经进行,样本量小,强调过度泛化和响应的有限规模会影响受访者的选择。数据分析和ucrii UCR的加拿大司法统计中心收集的,并不一定都是精心设计的应用研究中,变量可能不好操作。因此,内部效度受到影响。统计的准确性是可疑的,因为未知的数据错误可能存在。此外,观测数据可能是由于观测误差的差异。


This research does have certain weaknesses and limitations, such as over-representation, even with the purposive sampling defining stratified random sampling of police agencies and their subgroups. Even though measures to eliminate overgeneralization have been undertakes, the small sample size accentuates over-generalization and the limited scale of response may affect the choice of the interviewees. The datasets analyze of UCR and UCRII are collected by Canadian Center for Justice Statistics, and are not necessarily well-designed or applied to this research, variables may not be well operationalized. The internal validity is therefore affected. Accuracy of statistics is questionable as unknown data errors may be present. Furthermore, the observational data may be fraught discrepancies due to observational errors.

As expected, the YCJA has great influence of the decision of police where youth crime is concerned. An increasing number of young offenders are rehabilitation programs instead of being inducted by formal criminal procedure. A fair amount of discretion is being exercised by the police officers and the level of discretion appears to be the same as it was ten years ago. The legal aspects such as severity of the offense, the degree of damage done, the presence of a weapon and a youth’s previous record are still considered by all officers as a major factor in their decision-making.

Ethical Problem
The ethical problems related to this research include consideration of the confidence level of both police officers during interview and of the ride-along participant. Their comfort level should be maintained at all times during the study. Turning off of the recorder or termination of the interview at any point is allowed. During ride-along field notes, the young offenders should know that their information is being used for a research and how the data will be used by the police officer or researcher. Their research should not be against them in court or any legal process. They possess the right to refuse participation in the research and can ask researcher to leave freely.



