




除了恐怖主义,网络犯罪和网络攻击正成为许多国家的新威胁(Palen, & Dourish, 2003)。道德行为与行为或行为有关,这些行为或行为是为了做好事而获得的。个人的隐私可以被定义为一种私人条件,这意味着避免事情被公开。根据大多数民主国家的规定,每个人都有隐私权。隐私是解释自由和尊严的重要权利(Benjamin, 1991)。利用技术将大数据与许多个人的信息联系起来,通过信息的收集、存储、组织和分发来工作。


The government agencies and web companies are towards accessing more personal and private information of the individual. The protecting and privacy laws are also not able to secure the data completely. With the rise in science and technology, there is increased threat of losing the privacy. Wide spread of technology also cannot assure the genuine privacy for the individuals. The essay aims towards discussing the ethical question of right to privacy of the individuals, which is threatened by the wide spread use of Internet and technology. Threat for Transportation, Communication and Energy Internet InfrastructuresCyber security is a big question in today’s world. In the last few decades, the theft of money and property through internet has haunted many people. The hackers and cyber attackers have disrupted many businesses, which raise the question about cyber security.

Other than terrorism, cyber crime and cyber attack are coming up as a new threat for many countries (Palen, & Dourish, 2003). Ethical behaviour is related to the act or behaviour, which are attained to do good things. Privacy of an individual could be defined as a private condition, which means saving things from getting publicized. Every person has a right to privacy, according to most of the democracies. Privacy is an important right that explains freedom and dignity (Benjamin, 1991). The use of technology in keeping the big data related to information of many individuals, works through gathering, storing, organizing and distribution of information.



