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These men wanted the best form of government that aided in overall prosperity of the nation. Each of these members tried to explain their point of view in order to form a prosperous system. Three main ideologies put forward by the seven people have been discussed in this essay. From which the Herodutus explained the best form of governance to the Persians. Otanes put forward the argument that democracy was the best form of government for Persia. By bringing in equality to the governmental system, there will be procedural justice. Otanes believed that this form of government could overcome the vices of individual. He explains that individual insolence can get in the way of forming a government that runs smoothly. View explained by Otanes is that once a person becomes the ruler they want the officials to flatter them and at the same time not want to be flattered. If people do not appreciate them, they feel that people are not respecting them. Otanes expression was a result of fighting against tyranny. The concept of democracy was a new foreign concept to the people.



