



建议道德基础系统地考虑这些应包括社会规范和个人关注的问题(Field和Kaplan,2012)。 Field和Kaplan(2012)的工作也可以在这里应用,因为生育程序尽管在短期内增加了净效用可能会造成长期的损害。只有当程序有助于整体净值时,法律和行为才会被用于生物医学领域(Lawson,2011)。这里的净资产包括直接和长期的后果。在政策制定的背景下,在程序允许之前,需要运用功利主义的研究来反驳消极的后果。



An ethical foundation is recommended for systematically considering these concerns which should include social norms and individual concerns (Field and Kaplan, 2012). The work of Field and Kaplan (2012) can also be applied here, as fertility procedures although adding to net utility in the short term might cause long term damage. Laws and acts are made governing the bio-medical field only when the procedures contribute to overall net worth (Lawson, 2011). The net worth here includes both immediate and long term consequences. In the context of policy making, research studies applying Utilitarianism are needed to disprove negative consequences before the procedures could be allowed.

In the context of these arguments, the discipline of bioethics offers a solution. Bioethics is grounded in philosophical teachings and ethical systems (Koch, 2012). The autonomy of an individual’s decision is always respected in the medical care field (Sherwin, 1998). This is what has led to people choosing to reject a risky procedure, choose options for palliative care and more. Individual informed consent is at the core of autonomy (Savulescu, 2009). In the context of autonomy it can be said that a person could be offered the genetic fertility procedure and the person’s rights in either using or rejecting the procedure should be respected. The person should weight the negative consequences versus the positive consequences. This solution offered through existing medical ethics still introduces the utilitarian dilemma at the individual level. However, the individual will have more specific consequences and hence will be able to judge the net utility value better.



