



根据对歧视最简单的定义,种族歧视指的是不平等的人根据其族裔或种族对群体的不平等待遇。在定义种族歧视的概念时,不同的法律倡导者和学者对不同的影响和区别对待进行了区分,从而产生了这一概念的两部分定义(Gallie 1991)。这一定义指出,当人们因种族差异而受到不平等待遇时,就会发生差别待遇(Brown 1995)。当个人按照既定的规则和程序受到平等对待时,就会产生不同的影响,但在这里,后者是按照只偏袒一个群体而不偏袒另一个群体的方式构建的。这一定义的另一个要素沉溺于扩大其范围,使其涉及的过程和决定本身可能没有明确的种族内容,但可能产生或加强种族劣势的结果(Aitkenhead et al . 1991)。除了高度传统的个人歧视形式之外,诸如此类的制度性进程是必不可少的。在评估有价值的机会必须通过种族经历结构变化的方式时,必须考虑到这些因素。

任何歧视定义的一个基本特征都在于对行为的关注。歧视不同于种族性质的偏见、种族性质的定型观念,甚至可能与种族领域的不利条件有关的种族性质的意识形态(Cockburn 1989)。歧视的动机可能是成见、偏见或种族主义,但歧视的定义并不是对其背后的任何独特原因的推定。从群体间关系的角度来看,歧视具有贬义。它反过来又意味着不仅仅是社会对象之间的简单差异,它还指的是由于群体成员关系而对个人既不适当又不道德的不公平待遇。从这个角度看,歧视可能涉及对群体成员的消极行为,或在类似情况下可能作出不那么积极的反应(Crompton 1997)。一般来说,歧视被理解为带有偏见的行为,它不仅包括直接伤害或使其他群体处于不利地位的行为,而且包括那些不公平地偏袒自己的群体的行为。


As per the most simplified definition of Discrimination, racial discrimination has a reference to unequal person’s treatment or unequal treatment of groups based on their ethnicity or race. When defining discrimination of racial nature, various legal advocates as well as scholars have distinguished between disparate influence and differential treatment causing to create two part definition of the conception (Gallie 1991). This definition states that differential treatment takes place when people are unequally treated due to their racial difference (Brown 1995). Disparate influence happens when individuals are treated in an equal manner as per a given rules and procedures set, but here the latter is constructed in manners favouring only one group over the other. Another element of such a definition indulges in broadening the scope to involve processes and decisions which might not themselves have any racial content explicitly, but those which have the result of racial disadvantage production or reinforcement (Aitkenhead et al 1991). Apart from the highly conventional individual discrimination forms, processes of institutional nature such as these ones are essential. These have to be taken into consideration when assessing the way in which valued opportunities have to undergo structural change through race.

An essential feature of any discrimination definition lies in the focus over behaviour. Discrimination is different from prejudice of racial nature, stereotypes of racial nature or even ideologies of racial nature which might be related with disadvantage in the racial domain (Cockburn 1989). It is possible for discrimination to be motivated through stereotypes, prejudice or racism, but the discrimination definition is not of the presumption of any unique cause underlying it. From the perspective of intergroup relationships, discrimination has a meaning of pejorative nature. It in turn implies much more than simple different between objects socially and also refers to unfair treatments which are both inappropriate and unethical with regard to individuals because of membership in the group. Discrimination might, from this perspective, involve behaviour of negative nature towards group members or response of less positive nature might be given in comparable situations (Crompton 1997). Generally, discrimination is understood as behaviour of biased nature which is inclusive not only of the actions that harm directly or disadvantage some other group, but those who are unfairly favouring their individual group.



