



城市和郊区规划在确保生态和环境影响的可忽略性方面发挥着突出的作用。同样,适当的建设创造就业机会,从而对国家层面产生积极的经济影响(Baum, 2008)。要取得进展,澳大利亚企业必须为就业作出贡献。不幸的是,今年澳大利亚企业明显缺乏信心,多数企业推迟投资,原因是经济增长乏力和回报预期下降。除非采取具体措施,确保政府和企业协调一致地工作,否则国家的经济进步将受到不利影响。通过规划和实施具有成本效益和能源效益的建筑,政府正在确保这些郊区的环境、生态和经济影响是积极的。这反过来也会对国家层面产生积极影响(气候变化生态影响委员会,2016)。一般来说,不能说丹东和菲茨罗伊的郊区与墨尔本是分开的。郊区对墨尔本和澳大利亚的生态、经济、政治和社会的影响是显著的。

相反,梅尔本和澳大利亚的社会、经济和环境影响也可以在郊区感受到。国家一级缺乏经济增长影响到郊区的生活水平。相反,通过降低税收和公共资金的可得性,郊区的就业不足也体现在国家层面上(CEDA, 2016)。郊区发生的事件的生态和环境影响也可以在国家层面上感受到(气候变化的生态影响委员会,2016)。地下水位的减少,温室气体排放过多导致的全球变暖等问题在这些地区也没有出现,但在整个澳大利亚都是如此。丹格农和菲茨罗伊都是城郊地区,由于所处的地理位置、电力和能源的使用、水资源等,都面临着生态和环境的影响(气候变化生态影响委员会,2016)。正确的建筑规划和实施,特别是住宅建筑,将在处理各种环境和生态因素对这些地方和居民的影响发挥重要作用(Baum, 2008)。


Urban and suburban planning play a prominent role in ensuring that the ecological and environmental impact is negligible. Similarly, proper construction creates jobs leading to a positive economical impact on the national level (Baum, 2008). For progress to be made, corporate Australia must contribute to employment. Unfortunately, this year the apparent lack of confidence by corporate Australia, with most companies deferring investments is due to the lack of economic growth and falling expectations of returns.Unless concrete measures are undertaken to ensure that the government and corporates work in unison, the economic progress of the nation would be adversely affected. By planning and implementing cost effective and energy efficient buildings, the government is ensuring that the environment, the ecology and the economical impact on these suburbs is positive. This would in turn lead to a positive impact on the national level as well (Committee on ecological impacts of climate change, 2016).In general, it would not be correct to state that the suburbs of Dandenong and Fitzroy are separate from Melbourne. The ecological, economical, political and social impact of the suburbs on both Melbourne and Australia is significant.

Conversely, the impact of social, economical and environmental impact of Melborne and Australia can be felt on the suburbs as well. The lack of economic growth on a national level affects the standard of living in the suburbs. Conversely, the lack of employment in the suburbs is also felt on a national level, through lower taxation and availability of public funds (CEDA, 2016). The ecological and environmental impact of the happenings in the suburbs can be felt at the national level as well (Committee on ecological impacts of climate change, 2016). The depletion of the water table, the global warming due to excessive greenhouse gases and so on is also not seen in these localities, but across Australia as well. Both Dangenong and Fitzroy are suburban localities that face ecological and environmental impacts due to their location, usage of power and energy, water and so on (Committee on ecological impacts of climate change, 2016). Proper planning and implementation of buildings, particularly residential buildings, would play a significant role in dealing with the impact of various environmental and ecological factors on these localities and the inhabitants (Baum, 2008).



