






This report analyses relationship between severe poverty that the world is facing due to alleged unequal distribution of capital and the imposed global institutional order of wealthy nations to control acquisition of resources and power. Developed nations of around 955 million populations utilize 81% of global yield while the rest 44% population comprised with 2,735 million has access to hardly 1.3% of global product. The poor earns at most $2/day wage only to suffer below international poverty line resulting in around 270 million annual deaths.

However the author claims that we can exterminate poverty and further deprivation of poor by wisely identifying expanse of this issue, and causes and impacts of poverty on world economy now and in future. He encourages readers to demand the implementation of fair global property scheme to ensure equal distribution of world’s natural resources by mutual agreement between nations. It can easily enable the poor to acquire the required extra 1% of global product to eliminate poverty.


Deeply discoursing on the problem, the author anticipates that our morally degraded history including trading of people and illicit possession of lands and natural resources should not be able to promote the profound inequality in future. He finds that citizens and governments of rich countries expand their massive global surplus product by inappropriate social organization further deepening the radical inequality. He suggests readers to assess an economic order and its distribution by comparing with the feasible optional institutional strategies and their profile distribution. For brighter possibility of exercising correct economic order, involvement of global institutional arrangements in setting severe poverty must be ephemeral and casual. Also the wealthy governments and their citizens should be held morally responsible for global institutional arrangements and in predicting the impending disastrous effects.



