



在1750 – 1890年的音乐发展过程中,音乐创作的主要焦点是古典和浪漫的戏剧,以及与美学和社会时代有关的戏剧。因此,对这两种音乐作品的概述,以历史和分析两方面的细节为重点。这里讨论了古典和浪漫的形式、体裁、诗歌和戏剧,探讨了激情、兴趣和雄心。那时候,浪漫的音乐作品变得越来越富于创造性和表现力。广泛的戏剧歌剧,交响乐,和艺术钢琴音乐逐渐从文学和艺术中获得动力(戴维森2014)。激情和激情是浪漫时代的两个片段,浪漫的音乐形式在音乐文学和戏剧的发展中表现出更大的表现力。一些澳大利亚音乐家为奏鸣曲和交响曲开创了严格的配方和浪漫主义,并为音乐平台引入了一种全新的音乐方式,通过提供他们自己的音乐作品来引用生活的其他方面,比如“田园交响曲第6号”,它定义了乡村的景色。


独立的管弦乐和交响乐是17和18世纪的两个最大的音乐命题。浪漫的时代孕育了许多著名的音乐家,他们的音乐思想和作品变得越来越有创造性和荒诞不经,直到音乐规则和理论被改写。音乐平台的最大变化是在18世纪(2001年)。这里描述了一些著名音乐家的发明。F. S.凯利为失去的同志们写了一篇音乐颂词和一项积极的服务。从1805年到1892年,许多最伟大的音乐家都诞生了,他们在浪漫的音乐平台如Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, Amy Beach, Ethel Smyth, Nadia Boulanger等等都有了自己的足迹。


During the musical development from the early years 1750 to 1890, the primary focus on the musical composition was laid on the classical and romantic play and how the play related to the aesthetics and social times. Therefore, the overview of the two musical compositions is reinforced by the detail focus on both historical and analytical perspectives. The classical and romantic forms, genre, poems, and play that explore the passion, interests and ambitions have been discussed here. For that time, the romantic music compositions became increasingly inventive and expressive. Expansive dramatic operas, symphonies, and virtuosic piano music gradually took motivation from literature and art (Davidson 2014). Intense energy and passion were the two segments during the romantic era and the romantic music rigid forms gave greater expressions in the growing part of music literature and theatre. Some Australian musicians pioneered strict formulas and romanticism for sonatas and symphonies and introduced a whole new musical approach to the musical platforms by providing their own musical work references to the other aspects of life, such as “Pastoral Symphony No 6” which defines the scenes of the countryside.


Stand-alone orchestral music and symphonies were the two utmost musical propositions in the 17th and 18th centuries. The romantic era gave birth to so many famous musicians and their musical ideas and the compositions become more and more inventive and outlandish until the musical rules and theories had been rewritten. The biggest changes in the musical platforms were seen from the 18th century (La Rue 2001). Some of the famous musician’s inventions are described here. F. S. Kelly wrote a musical tribute and an active service to the lost comrades. During the year from 1805 to 1892, many greatest musicians were born and they made their individual footprint in the romantic musical platform such as Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, Amy Beach, Ethel Smyth, Nadia Boulanger and so forth.




