




从结果可以分析,大多数国际学生的睡眠时间是足够合适的,不符合一个健康的人所需的睡眠时间(Wolfson et al, 1998)。虽然很少有学生没有一个适当的睡眠时间。一些学生承认他们晚上不睡觉是为了玩电子游戏、电脑游戏等。很少有学生说他们在晚上学习或完成家庭作业。在78名受访者中,大约有20名学生没有给出恰当的答案。虽然一些学生说他们晚上不睡觉,但其他学生承认他们没有固定的睡眠时间。在分析中还发现,女性的睡眠时间比男性多。因此,可以发现大多数国际学生的睡眠时间是正确的。学生平均应该有六到八小时的睡眠是很重要的。睡六到八个小时使人的精神和身体健康。在58名学生中,只有6名学生每天睡眠不足8小时。因此,可以得出结论,这些国际学生有一个适当的睡眠。从研究中可以很明显的看出,学生非常关心自己的睡眠时间,并在规定的时间内适当的睡眠。


In order to complete the research in an effective manner, the quantitative research methodology has been used. The interviews have been conducted on 78 international students and their sleeping hours has been investigated. The total number of hours for which the student had slept on 13/ Feb/2016 has been found through the survey and their time to sleep and to wake up in the morning has been analysed. On the basis of the same, the further statistics has been calculated. The quantitative research method is useful for conducting the result because it will help to find the average hours of sleep for the students. The real analysis will also be helpful in the conduction of further research and will help to investigate whether the sleeping hours of the students is sufficient or not. In order to calculate the average sleeping hours, the mean, standard deviation, standard error and t value has been calculated. From the survey it can be found that most of the international students sleep for more than seven hours in a day. Among the different students, there were 58 of them who had responded to the survey in the form of exact numbers. They told the time at which they sleep in the night and the time in which they wake up. It was found from the research that most of the students sleep between 10 P.M. -12 P.M. and they wake up between 6 AM-8 AM. Also the average number of hours of sleep for the students is 7.2.

From the results, it can be analysed that the sleeping hours of most of the international students are suitable enough and incongruent to the required sleeping hours for a healthy person (Wolfson et al, 1998). Though there are few students who do not have a proper sleeping hour. Some of the students admit that they do not sleep during the time of night in order to play video games, computer games etc. Very few of the students said that they study or complete their homework at night. From the 78 respondents there were around 20 students who didn’t respond in proper numbers. While some of the students said that they do not sleep in night, other students admitted that they do not have a fixed hour of sleep. In the analysis it has also been found that the sleeping hours of females are more than the number of males. Thus, it can be found that most of the international students are sleeping for a right amount of time. It is important that the student should have an average of six to eight hours of sleep. A sleep of six to eight hours keeps a person mentally and physically fit. Out of the total number of 58 students, there were only six students who slept for less than eight hours in a day. Thus, it can be concluded that these international students take a proper sleep. It is quite evident from the research that the students are very much concerned about the hours of sleep and take proper sleep at the required time.



