



本报告阐述了丹麦Nordisk公司在印度开展业务的可行性。本讨论讨论了宏观环境因素、地缘政治因素以及每项行动的内在弱点。从调查分析和政治性质分析,建议该公司进军印度市场。全球化的到来使得企业必须不断地寻找更多的消费群体。在这方面,各国的行动方式各不相同。研究发现,每个国家都有特定的文化特征和适合每个国家的商业运作模式。在不同国家开展业务时,隐含的理解是,应该考虑该国贸易业务的可行性和文化(Bondebjerg, and Redvall, 2014)。在这个分析中,将会有关于Nordisk film production的讨论。诺德电影制作公司为斯堪的那维亚及国际市场生产电影、动画电影及各种媒体。他们从1906年开始做生意,公司从1911年开始公开交易。诺德公司在许多国家都有宝贵的客户基础。

这份报告是为公司分析在印度市场运营的可行性而准备的。从一个明显的角度来看,这个国家是一个新兴的国家,总是给予新的媒体和娱乐赞助。因此,本部分对该公司运营的可行性进行了分析。首先,将讨论整体的宏观环境因素,并在分析中详细披露进入印度市场的最佳模式。丹麦由14个县和两个行政区组成。他们是弗雷德里克斯堡和哥本哈根。法罗岛和格陵兰岛属于丹麦王国,但它们是自治的。这个国家的立法权被认为是一院制议会。179个席位包括来自格陵兰岛的两个席位,法罗岛由两个席位组成(Bruckner, Mortensen, and Catalano, 2016)。这些成员是由选举产生的。这个国家是一个稳定的民主国家。


This report states about the feasibility of establishing business operations in India by Nordisk a Denmark company. Macro environmental factors, geopolitical factors and the inherent vulnerabilities in each operation have been addressed in this discussion. From the investigative analysis and analyzing the political nature, it has been recommended that the company forays into the Indian market. Advent of globalization has made it imperative for the companies to continually seek more consumer base. In this, the modal of operation is found to vary between the countries. It has been found that each country has a specific cultural traits and a business operative that is suitable for each of these countries. When operating in different countries, it is implicitly understood that the feasibility and the culture of the trade operations in the country should be factored (Bondebjerg, and Redvall, 2014). In this analysis, there will be discussion about Nordisk film production. Nordisk film production produces films, animation movies and a range of media for the Scandinavian and International markets. They have been in the business from 1906 and the company started publically trading from 1911 onwards. Nordisk Company has a valuable customer base in many countries.

This report is prepared for the company to analyze the feasibility of operations in the Indian markets. From an apparent perspective, this country is an emerging country that has always given patronage to newer media and entertainment. Hence, the feasibility of operations of this company has been analyzed in this segment. Initially, there will be discussions about the overall macro environmental factors and the best mode of entry into the Indian markets will be divulged in detail in this analysis. Denmark is found to comprise of 14 counties and two boroughs.They are Fredericksberg and Copenhagen. The Faroe Island and Greenland belongs to the Kingdom of Denmark but they are self-governing. The legislative power of the country is considered to be unicameral parliament. 179 seats include two from Greenland and Faroe Island consists of two (Bruckner, Mortensen, and Catalano, 2016). These members are elected by the Voting. This country is a stable democratic country.



