



这些类型的因素是关于短期需求和长期需求的。然而,在决定什么样的收益和成本应该包括在市场价格中,市场参与者并没有发挥关键作用(Ingham, 2008)。相反,与成本和利益相关的决策可以由政府制定,或多或少可以由立法机构参与制定。正如本文所指出的那样,卡尔•马克思详细阐述了资本主义经济如何在不自觉地引导准独立的经济行动者的情况下,开始协调大量人口的行动。这是众所周知的供需平衡的价格机制。马克思主义认为资本主义是一种特定于历史的生产方式(Stanford, 2008)。

因此,涉及到生产财产的所有权和控制方式。这是在结合个人与社会的相应关系的基础上进一步向前发展的,这种关系的基础是他们与整个生产启动过程的联系。马克思主义经济理论与亚当·斯密关于资本主义经济的观点相联系,有助于区分商品使用价值与市场交换价值(Torre, 2014)。另一方面,新古典主义理论关注的重点是产权的维护、劳动力市场平台的放松管制以及通过组织的财务所有权来支配公司治理。这进一步意味着,金融体系主要依赖资本市场融资,而不是国家融资。


These types of factors are with respect to short term demands and long term demands. However, a crucial role is not played be market actors in deciding as to what benefits and costs should be included within the price of market (Ingham, 2008). On the contrary, the decisions related to cost and benefit can be shaped by government, and more or less, by the involvement of legislatures. As identified in this essay, Karl Marx provided detail on how capitalist economy initiates coordination of actions delivered by a large population, without consciously guiding the quasi- independent actors of economy. This is well- known for the equilibration of demand and supply by the mechanism of price. Marxism considers capitalism for being a mode of production that is specific to history (Stanford, 2008).

Therefore, there is an involvement of the ways in which property of production is under ownership and control. This is further ahead in combination with the corresponding relations of society between individuals on the basis of their connection with the overall process to initiate production. Being related with the perspective of Adam Smith on capitalist economy, Marxism economic theory helps in distinguishing the value of using commodity from the value of exchange within the market (Torre, 2014). On the other hand, neoclassical theory has key focus is on the maintenance of property right, deregulation of labour market platforms, and domination of corporate governance through the financial ownership of organization. This further means that systems of finance have chief dependency on financing based on capital market instead of state financing.



