



五力分析法是迈克尔·波特于1979年提出的。该模型的重点是研究特定行业中的五大完成力。一个行业的完成程度是由波特模型的主要力量来检验的。也有人认为,该模型基本上是对某一特定行业的非竞争力或竞争力的分析(Dobbs 2014)。竞争水平受到波特模型中描述的其他四种力量的影响。另一种力量是消费者选择替代产品的威胁,市场上新竞争者的威胁,消费者或购买者的议价能力,最后是行业内供应商的议价能力。苹果公司(Apple Inc.)自1976年(Langley 2002)成立以来,尽管经历了各种起起落落,但其操作系统、麦金塔电脑、iPhone、iPad以及其他各种产品都取得了不可磨灭的成功。2014年,苹果公司实现了一个巨大的里程碑,成为美国第一家市值达到7000亿美元的公司。苹果的成功主要归功于其将独特的产品和创新措施引入市场的能力,这产生了巨大的品牌忠诚度(Dobbs 2014)。它的营销策略和产品开发可能会影响苹果的盈利能力和市场份额,这表明它意识到有必要应对主要的市场力量。

行业竞争和买方议价能力是市场的两大关键力量。它们可能会影响苹果的盈利能力,苹果在科技行业的地位的五力分析显示了这一点(Grundy 2006)。主要行业力量中较弱的因素是对市场的新竞争的威胁、供应商拥有的议价能力以及买方选择替代产品的威胁。在直接与苹果完成合作的主要公司中,技术领域的竞争水平相当高。惠普(HP)、谷歌、亚马逊(Amazon)和三星(Samsung)等公司正与苹果(Apple Inc.)展开直接竞争。所有这些公司都在市场营销和研发上投入了大量资金。因此,在行业内的竞争力是非常强的。相对较低的转换成本是这个行业非常有竞争力的一个原因(2008年很低)。对于消费者来说,为了kindle或任何其他类型的平板电脑而放弃iPad并不需要巨大的投资。对于苹果来说,一个重要的考虑因素是市场竞争的威胁,它已经通过不断开发和创造新的产品来解决这个问题,从而提高其在消费者市场份额方面的地位。


The Five Forces method of analysis was developed by Michael Porter in the year 1979. The focus of this model is to examine the five major forces of completion in a specific industry. Level of completion in an industry is examined by the main force of the Porter’s model. It could also be argued by some that the model is basically an analysis of the non-competitiveness or competitiveness of a given industry (Dobbs 2014). The level of competition is impacted by the other four forces which are described in the Porter’s model. The other forces being the threat of consumer choosing an alternative product, threat of a new competitor in the market, the bargaining power held by consumers or buyers and lastly the bargaining power held by suppliers in the industry. Apple Inc. has achieved an indelible success as a company with its operation system, Macintosh computers, iPhone, iPad and various other products, regardless of going through various ups and downs since its foundation in the year 1976 (Langley 2002). Apple, in the year 2014, achieved a huge milestone of being the first company in the US to achieve a 700 billion dollars market capitalization. The success of Apple could be attributed mainly to the capability to bring unique product and innovation measures to the market which has produced a huge brand loyalty (Dobbs 2014). An awareness of the need to deal with the major marketplace forces is revealed by its marketing strategies and product development which might impact the profitability and the market share of Apple.

The industry competition and the power of bargaining to the buyers are the two crucial forces of marketplace. They could impact the profitability of Apple, displayed by a five forces analysis of the position of Apple in the technology sector (Grundy 2006). The weaker elements amongst the chief industry forces are the threat of the new competition to the marketplace, the bargaining power held by the suppliers and the threat of buyers choosing alternative products.Amongst the major firms which are in completion with Apple directly, the level of competition in the technology sector is quite high. Companies like the HP, Google, Amazon and Samsung are in the direct competition with Apple Inc. A significant capital is being spent by all these companies on marketing and research and development. Hence, within the industry the competitive force is very strong. The relatively low switching cost is one thing which makes this industry very competitive (Low 2008). For a consumer to ditch an iPad for a kindle or any other kind of tablet, it does not require a huge investment to do so. A key consideration for Apple is the threat of marketplace competition and it has taken care of it by means of developing continually and creating fresh products so as to raise its market position in terms of consumer share.



