



2007 – 2010年的金融危机有助于突出稳定金融中介机构的主要作用,以便为贷款的顺畅流动提供支持。大多数欧洲经济学家都会接受2007年至2010年的危机是经济大萧条之后全球财政状况最糟糕的危机。在这两个事件中,银行的资本基础都受到了严重的损害。因此,为了提高银行的资本基础质量,在经济危机期间变得具有高度的适应能力,银行的规定是必需的(Brunnermeier等,2009)。主要银行倒闭是股票市场崩溃的结果。然而,这些失败是由于债务人的贷款拖欠,存款被储户取消而引发的。由于个人在经济中的成本和收入开始下降,债务显着增强。

由于资本借款人没有任何付款给银行,所以银行的失败情况有所改善。此外,资本投资放缓开始发生,使银行争取减少贷款资本储备。大多数人甚至可以说,联邦储备体系通过紧急限制贷款导致银行倒闭,帮助缩减货币供应量,从而将总体衰退转变为大萧条时期。美联储没有任何反应,因为根据美联储的法令禁止该系统,因为它需要发行的联邦储备金的40%的黄金备份。然而,在2007 – 2010年的危机中,银行并没有维持高质量的资本基础,并且在危机发生之前它们大大失败了(Brunnermeier等,2009)。


The financial crisis of 2007-2010 helped in highlighting the main role of stabilizing financial intermediaries in order to buttress the smooth flow of credit to borrower’s transmission. Most European Economists would accept that the crisis of 2007-2010 was the worst crisis of global finances after the Great Depression. In both these events, the bank’s capital base was compromised severely. Hence, the regulations of banks are required for improving the bank’s capital base quality for becoming highly resilient during the crisis of economies (Brunnermeier, et al., 2009). Main bank failures were a result of crashing stock markets. The failures however were initiated as loans by the debtors were defaulted and deposits en masse were withdrew by the depositors. Debt which was outstanding enhanced as the costs and income of individuals in the economy started to fall.

Failures of banks enhanced as the capital borrowers did not have any payment to give to the bank. Additionally, slowing of capital investment started to take place making the banks struggle for building their fewer loans capital reserves. Most individuals may even state that the Federal reserve system helped in shrinking the money supply in order to transform a general recession into a period of Grand Depression through emergency restriction on lending leading in turn towards bank failures. No reaction could be given by the Federal Reserve because according to the Act of Federal Reserve which prohibited the system as it needed 40 percent of gold backup for the issued notes of Federal reserves. However in the crisis of 2007-2010, it was evident that high quality capital basis were not maintained by the banks and they failed considerably before the crisis happened (Brunnermeier, et al., 2009).



