



家长是我们许多人的榜样。对于我们这些与父母关系密切的人来说,我们多次鼓励提问,我们的好奇心是用逻辑,事实和有趣的故事来回答的。了解一个企业或一个行业的历史,以及鼓励一个领域内的特定专业和知识建设的家庭环境,将引起儿童在同一领域追求职业的兴趣。通过这种方式,父母和他们的职业有可能影响其子女的职业选择(Leonie Arthur,Bronwyn Beecher,Elizabeth Death,Sue Dockett和Sue Farmer,2012)。不仅是父母,还有叔叔,阿姨,兄弟姐妹和堂兄弟,家族中任何一个与他们有密切联系的人,都会引起同样的兴趣。

这引起了我对商业和创业的兴趣。我的父母和他们的职业对我的职业选择产生了很大的影响。这让我学到了许多企业家的技能,比如领导能力,积极性,开拓更广阔的视角和长远的眼光,这对企业是非常重要的(Leonie Arthur,Bronwyn Beecher,Elizabeth Death,Sue Dockett和Sue Farmer,2012)。对于个人来说,尽早发展某些交易技能是非常重要的,因为它有助于获得优于别人的优势。个人获得更好的竞争优势是非常重要的,而采取基于家庭依赖的路径轨迹可以帮助个人获得这一点。


Parents are a role model for many of us. For those of us who have a close bond with our parents, we are many times encouraged to ask questions and our curiosity is answered with logic, facts and interesting stories. Knowing the history of a business or a profession as well as a home environment that encourages a particular profession and knowledge building in a domain, will give rise to interest among children to pursue careers in the same domain. In this way it is possible for parents and their professions to influence career choices of their children (Leonie Arthur, Bronwyn Beecher, Elizabeth Death, Sue Dockett and Sue Farmer, 2012). It is not just parents but uncles and aunts or siblings and cousins, anyone in the family with whom close bonds are developed, lead to interest in the same field.

Parents and children share their daily routines and activities as well as the story of their day with their children. This discussion can be a great source of information for the children and in this way parents do influence career choices. I remember having waited for my father to come home from work to listen to what he did at work and to hear interesting stories about different businesses and entrepreneurs.
This gave rise to my interest in business and entrepreneurship. My career choices have been greatly impacted by the influence of my parents and their professions. It has led to me learning a lot many entrepreneurial skills like leadership, initiatives and developing broader perspectives and long term vision which are important for a business(Leonie Arthur, Bronwyn Beecher, Elizabeth Death, Sue Dockett and Sue Farmer, 2012).It is extremely important for an individual to develop certain trade skills early because it helps get an edge over others. It is extremely important for an individual to obtain better competitive edge in order to succeed and adopting the path trajectory based on family dependence can help an individual obtain this.



