


所有的要求都要在生產範圍管理計劃之前收集。範圍管理計劃是解決項目的問題和需要、項目的可交付物、計劃、資源需求、以及成本和付款採購計劃。如果沒有提前收集需求,那麼就會出現問題,因為不能全面地定義問題。 WBS將不會得到適當的準備,而且如果計劃不適當,也會出現資源需求、成本和更多的問題。範圍還將決定構成項目完成的關鍵可交付內容。如果不理解需求,就無法定義範圍管理。在項目管理中定義的權限通常是授予項目經理的權力,以便他們能夠代表項目發起人執行決策。的一些當局可以存在的項目,客戶,項目的業主,項目的讚助商,高級主管,或任何其他個人項目中需要在等關鍵決策的背景下,基金的承諾,資源,優先級等。在項目生命週期中,授權決定早在之前項目經理選擇和參與。




All requirements are to be collected before the production of the scope management plan. The scope management plan is one which would address the problem and need of the project, the deliverables of the project, the plan, the resource needs, and also the costs and the payment procurement plan. If the requirements are not collected in advance, then there would be issues because the problem cannot be defined comprehensively. The WBS would not be prepared properly, and also there would be issues in the form of resource needs, costs and more if the planning is not proper. Scope will also decide on the key deliverables which would constitute the completion of the project. Without understanding the requirements, the scope management hence cannot be defined.Authority as defined in the case of project management is usually that power that is given for the project manager so that they can act and execute decisions on behalf of a project sponsor. Some of the authorities that can exist for a project are that of the client, the owner of the project, the sponsor of the project, the senior executive, or any other individual in the project who would be required in the context of critical decision making such as that of commitment of funds, resources, priorities etc. In a project lifecycle, authorization would be decided as early as before even a project manager is selected and involved.

It could be like a scope statement that is used to understand why the project has been formed and what it will hope to achieve. Procedures exist for the purpose of developing project authorization with appropriate authorities in order to ensure that decision making at all levels are made by well informed individuals who have the capability to make such decisions. There will also be no confusion in the workplace on who has the authority. Having the procedure also ensures that every stakeholder is informed of who has been delegated with which authority.A scope management plan will define the work needed to be completed in order to meet the project objectives. It will have the listings of what is to be included in the project and what will not be included in the project. The project scope will serve as a guide to show to the project manager what has to be included in the project and what should be added or changed or removed from the project. So in essence, it could be said that the scope management plan is more of a point of reference.



