






Is psychic distance or cultural distance the more useful concept to determine in which markets an internationally aspiring firm should invest.In general, all forms that intend to enter the international market must understand the significance of psychic and cultural factors forming the dynamics of local market, since they play a critical role in the success of their penetration strategy. Without understanding the local culture, it is difficult to make the product launch effective, as local competitors that are well versed in domestic dynamics, and hence expert intense competitive pressure on the pricing model specifically, saturating the profit margins. Once the profit margins are soared, a company may find it difficult to attract investment from the market and finance the international expansion project. As we can see, any firm deciding to make an investment internationally are exposed to several variables that may determine its success over time and psychic and cultural distance are amongst them.

It is very crucial to incorporate both of them, since the characteristics of both these factors overlap with each other. Overlooking the significance of any of it may result in unfavorable consequence that is a failed penetration strategy in this case. In reality, countries have diverse cultures and languages that make them look apart from the other countries, and these are the factors shaping their market dynamics. To conclude, we can see that the cultural distance is the sub category of psychic distance, as both the term mainly comprise of cultural barriers, languages, communication, consumer tastes and preferences. Some societies are also dominant by religious believes and perceptions and that is reflective in their market dynamics. Hence, the company while making any international investments must also be taken into consideration to ensure the timely success that will be possible through effective strategic formulation and implementation over time.



