



在一些早期的欧洲文化中,如荷兰文化中,有一个母系氏族社会,在这个社会中,女性在商界被赋予了很多重要的地位。然而,很多钱都分给了这些妇女。18世纪,许多妇女开始涉足商界。妇女们认为进入劳动世界是一种革命。然而,在随后的时间里,情况发生了变化。20世纪初,女性开始被纳入小企业。他们被发现是补充家庭收入的一个组成部分。低收入群体的妇女正在尝试克服贫困的方法,并寻找提高生活质量的方法(Bird & Brush, 2002)。这些企业被认为是妇女的企业。女性必须专注于家庭责任,以及产品和服务的创意,这些产品和服务可以将她们转化为企业。在1900年,女性有了更进步的视野,自由主义意识形态的涌入使女性得以参与到斗争中。
女性主义思潮的兴起和女性企业家的发展开始进入社会。纺织业已开始雇用更多的妇女进入劳动力大军。在1920年早期,它是占主导地位的实践(Lewis & Simpson, 2010)。在大萧条和战争时期,女性企业家的作用减弱了。在金融动荡和战争时期,妇女问题被置于次要地位。妇女为了摆脱贫困,开始从她们的家庭中发展地方企业,以满足她们的财政需要和基本必需品。在第二次世界大战期间,妇女进入工作场所的趋势发生了相当大的变化。也很少有杰出的女企业家开始创办自己的企业。雅诗兰黛于1946年推出了一个享誉世界的品牌。


In some of the Early European cultures such as the Dutch Culture there was a matriarchal society where the women in the society were given a lot of importance in the business world. However many of the money were handed down to the women. In the 18th century many women started to come into the business foray. It was considered as a form of revolution by the women to enter into the working world. This however changed in the subsequent times. In the early 20th century, women started to be included in the small businesses. They were found to be an integral part to supplement income in the households. Women in the lower income groups were trying ways to overcome poverty and looking for ways to increase their quality of life (Bird & Brush, 2002). These ventures were considered to be entrepreneurial ventures for women. The women had to focus on the domestic responsibilities as well as the ideas for the products and the services that can convert them into businesses. In the 1900 there was a more progressive vision for the women and the influx of the liberal ideologies allowed the women to enter into the fray.
There was the rise in the feministic ideologies and the development of female entrepreneurs began to enter into the societies. The textile industry has started to employee more women into their workforce. It was predominated practice during the early 1920 (Lewis & Simpson, 2010). During the Great Depression and the times of war the role of the women entrepreneurs diminished. The women issues took a backseat during the times of financial turmoil and the times of war. Women in order to escape poverty started to develop local businesses from their household to meet their financial needs and basic necessities. In the times of the World War II there was a considerable change in the trends of women entering into the workplace. There were also few prominent women entrepreneurs who had started to form their own businesses. Estée Lauder in 1946 launched a brand that is world renowned.



