






Ethical issues with respect to the location of a business are multifaceted. “The sweatshop” is a word that has often come to be associated with that of a business that might not follow the right ethical standards based on location. Primarily, the concern of location is that it must be such that the safety of the employees in the workplace could be assured. For instance, considering the manufacturing environment, safety is a priority here. The geographic location could make access to raw materials easy or less. Similarly, transportation facilities could be hindered. Based on location, the area might prone to disasters such as an earthquake. In such a context, what is the right protocol for a business organization to choose an area? In terms of productivity and cost, some manufacturing site locations could be economical. However, these might be the very site locations that might have problems (Weiss, 1994). So there the company would be stuck with choosing the necessary tradeoff to acquire the location.

Should it make a location choice where it trades off the safety element for the economic reasons or should it make a choice where it gives more emphasis to safety? In such contexts, more proper choices would be to choose the location based on safety as ethical consequences must be considered for everybody. A second issue with respect to location choice and ethical decision making is that of how different countries might offer cheaper and unregulated labor and how others might now. Businesses would definitely make a profit where the labor is cheaper, also fewer regulations means business might exploit employees to work more hours (just one way of exploitation). Now the issue here is what form of ethical standards businesses should follow. Should they reject employing resources from a location where they know such un-regulation exists or should they choose the location and yet try to maintain the same standards as in their local country?



