



品牌的信誉和企业声誉越来越受到重视(Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004)。企业利用这些目标来实现他们的目标并保持竞争力。近年来,bene发现损害员工声誉会损害员工和消费者的忠诚度(Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004)。建立品牌声誉将增加公司的信誉和财务资源。公众信心将会增强,公司内在的品牌形象将会提升。近年来,行动的透明度和责任制有所提高。这将导致公司建立品牌声誉(Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004)。这是企业为了理解消费者的感知、需求,并在此基础上建立品牌声誉所需要考虑的一个重要因素。

在社会和早期的学术理论中,对品牌形象和声誉的重要性关注较少。这两个因素之间存在差异(De Chernatony, 1999)。形象是建立在明显的公众观点的基础上,而品牌建设的声誉有助于布拉德结构的发展。在这种情况下有一个重要的文化因素。在这种情况下,品牌的声誉应该由公司来关注,而不是仅仅关注公司的形象。这两种意识形态之间有一个小小的差距。企业应该进行内部分析,建立一个基于现实和发展的内在因素的品牌。因此,本研究认为应该更加重视品牌声誉的发展(De Chernatony, 1999)。


There is increased importance given to the credibility and the corporate reputation regarding a brand (Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004).. Businesses use these goals to achieve their goals and stay competitive. In the recent years it has bene found that damaging of the reputation of the employee can harm the employee and the consumer loyalty (Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004. Building brand reputation will increase the credibility and the financial resources of the company. There will be higher public confidence and the intrinsic brand image of the company will increase. There has been increased transparency and accountability of operations in the recent era. This will lead to the company building the brand reputation (Argenti, & Druckenmiller, 2004. This is an important factor that should be used by the companies in order to understand consumer perception, requirements and develop a brand reputation based on this ideology.

In the societies and in early academic theories there is less attention given to the importance of the brand image and reputation. There is a difference between these two factors (De Chernatony, 1999).. Image is build based on the apparent public view but reputation of the brand building of the brand aids in the development of brad structuring. There is an important factor of culture factored in this case. In this case the reputation of the brand should be focused by the companies rather than focusing on mere image of the company. There is a small gap between these two ideologies. Companies should conduct an internal analysis and develop a brand that is based on reality and the inherent factors that are important for development. Hence this study concludes that more importance should be given to development of the brand reputation (De Chernatony, 1999).



