


本文主要講的是保護地球資源,為了製止這些損失,可以提倡第三世界的可持續發展,同時減少富裕人口的全球消費。當地人應該在一定程度上控制經濟生活,遠離遙遠的公司和政府(Guha和Alier, 2013)。古哈曾巧妙地指出,目前各國嚴重的經濟不平等是不公平的。但是,有必要通過認識到受人類行為影響的自然的內在價值來平衡對自治和人類社會正義的關注。如果它不是冠軍國際公司或美國。 Kronlid和Ohman, 2013年,在美國林務局有意消滅物種的情況下,一些村莊做同樣的事情是錯誤的。這進一步增加了將自然保護和地方控制的原則視為衝突的必要性。有必要消除其中一些有價值的渴望。本篇代寫文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

For stemming these losses, sustainable development for the third world can be advocated while decreasing global consumption among the rich population. Local population should be controlling economic lives with a level of freedom out of faraway corporations and governments (Guha and Alier, 2013). Guha has been apt in stating that present gross economic inequalities are unjust across nations. However, there is a need for balancing the concern for autonomy and human social justice by recognizing intrinsic value of nature as affected by the actions of human. If it is not right for Champion International Corporation or U.S Forest Service to extinguish species knowingly, it will be wrong for some villages to do the same equality (Kronlid and Öhman, 2013). This further increases the necessity to consider principles of nature preservation and local control as a conflict. There is a need for eliminating some of these valuable desiderata.
Top to down regulations are supported as mandatory for preserving nature by meeting three main criteria. First, they should be necessary for preventing the rare ecological communities or extinct species. Second, there is provision of compensation fairly for affected people. Third, the basic rights of humans are strongly respected (Muraca, 2013). There is no pretentious act that these regulations will not be creating real human hardship, but there is a necessity of preserving a rich future for humans. Guha has criticized American and Western environmentalists for massive failure in addressing problems related to social justice, specifically as the wealthy population makes over consumptions.
Even when problem like water conservation or recycling are addressed across America, the overall discussion mostly is to sustain resources for facilitation of increased development in the satisfaction of ever-increasing demands (Nash, 2014). These kinds of approaches appear to be avoiding tough decisions of conservation followed by utter failure in grasping the destructiveness and centrality of America in the present global industrial system.



