



文献综述的目的是构建所需的问题,以便理解现有的文献讨论是关于访问者动机、文化事件等的。为了更好地理解这些问题,本文从这个角度对研究问题进行了框定。人口结构对文化活动的吸引力有影响吗?研究人员Kim, Cheng和Leary(2007)试图了解人口结构在其中扮演的角色。现有的大多数研究似乎表明,游客的人口结构会产生影响(Jennings, 2001;Dann等,1988)。大多数游客被一个地方的文化效应所吸引,通常是通过高收入、高教育或更成熟等形式扩大规模。然而,Kim等人(2007)的研究试图理解是否总是如此。研究人员的目的是了解,这里是否会有更多的因素使得游客的偏好更加复杂。2000年从美国收集了大约6405名参与者的社会经济和人口特征。他们参加了29个不同的文化景点,从音乐景点,节日景点,商业娱乐等。注意到有不同的参与模式。人们注意到,不论人口统计情况如何,在选择模式方面有许多不同之处。



The purpose of the literature review is to frame the required questions, in order to understand what existing literature discussions are with respect to visitor motivations, cultural events and more. Research questions are framed from this angle in order to understand them better. Does demographic profile play a role in the tourist attraction to cultural events? Researchers Kim, Cheng & Leary (2007) attempted to understand the role played by the demographic profile. Most of the existing research studies seem to indicate that the demography of the tourists would have an effect (Jennings, 2001; Dann et al, 1988). Most tourists that are seen to be attracted to the cultural effects of a place are usually up scaled in the form of high income earnings, or high education, or were more matured etc. However, the study of Kim et al (2007) attempts to understand if this is the case always. The aim of the researchers was to understand, if there would be more elements here making the preferences of tourists much more complex. Socio-economic and demographic traits were collected of around 6405 participants from the United States in the year 2000. They attended 29 different cultural attractions from musical attractions, festival ones, commercial recreations and more. There was diverse participation patterns noticed. Irrespective of the demographics, it was noticed that there was much diversity in which the patterns were selected.

Since socio economic variables were considered differently, the researchers were hence able to establish that some variables alone were not enough to understand the interests of the tourists. Lee (2000) attempted to study how ethnicity and background could change the attraction levels for the tourists, and was able to establish that while ethnicity could play a role, sometimes such factors like family togetherness might create a much bigger impact. The study included participants form a World Cultural Expo. There were both Caucasian and Asian visitors in the Expo, approximately seven thousand artists were seen to participate in the Expo and thirty-two motivation factors were considered. There were as many as seven underlying dimensions noticed in how the visitors selected some cultural places and not others. Visitor motivation was seen to differ in terms of the Korean population and the Japanese, American and the Caucasian population. Higher motivations tend to exist among the Caucasian visitors for cultural sites compared to the Asian visitors, when it comes to visiting cultural sites. However, the research also indicates that family togetherness was an important factor. So the differences of culture, background or ethnicity alone might not play a role.



