



这一问题也有消极的影响,包括政府减少投资开支导致公共收入减少和就业机会减少。商人和决策者对经济缺乏兴趣。在这个阶段,进口必须由国家通过自筹资金来管理。这迫使政府寻找其他途径来确保贸易和外部交易的安全。因此,削减成本导致获得贷款数额,这只会增加国家债务水平的间接费用。自给自足并没有很好地发挥作用,因为政府觉得他们是孤立的全球市场(马哈茂德,2015)。叙利亚目前的局势表明,它已稍微克服了受经济压迫的性质,并为若干国内项目吸引了外国投资。此外,还增加了新的服务业,以创造就业机会、提高就业率和改造适合商业的土地。自叙利亚经济发展以来,劳动参与率一直呈负增长趋势。原因是缺乏对特定技能部门的认识。此外,没有足够的基础设施来培训人力资源。这种情况导致了高失业率,人们对谋生不感兴趣。根据世界银行提供的关于劳动参与率的资料,1995年的劳动参与率最高,为53.1%。然后在2014年下降到43.6% (Mahmoud, 2015)。
该国的失业状况仍在继续。事实上,这一数字在今年有所上升,在很大程度上影响了经济。在1995年至2014年期间,虽然劳动力的参与有所下降,但劳动力人口有所增加。最高的6.1%是在2014年实现的。这表明,大量可获得的劳动力缺乏机会,导致他们失业。在叙利亚现有的高劳动力中,1995年男性劳动力的参与率很高,为82.1%。然而,2014年这一比例降至72.6%。另一方面,1995年女性劳动参与率为23.3%,2014年为13.6%。这表明,与男性相比,女性就业人数较少,但青年失业率在过去几年不断上升。2011年青年失业率最高,为33.7%,2014年已降至30.1%。这是一个好迹象(Hinnebusch, 1989)。由于几乎所有类别的高失业率——男性、女性和年轻人,这个国家面临着各种各样的风险。劳动参与率统计数字揭示了一些令人恐惧的事实,要求叙利亚政府立即进行改革。


There are also negative impacts associated with this issue and these include the reduction of investment spending by government led to shrinkage of public revenues and job creation decreased. Business people and decision makers showed the lack of interest towards the economy. Imports had to be managed by the country through self financing at this stage. This forced government to look for alternatives to secure the trade and also external transactions. As a result, cost cutting led to acquisition of loan amounts that only added overheads to the debt levels of the country. Self sufficiency did not function well as the government felt them to be isolated from the global markets (Mahmoud, 2015). The current situation of Syria shows that it has slightly overcome the economic downtrodden nature and attracted foreign investments to several internal projects. Additionally, new services sectors are added to create jobs, increase employment ratios and transform the land suitable for business.Since the evolution of economy in Syria, the labour participation has always been on the negative end. The reason is the lack of awareness of specific skilled segments. Further, there were insufficient infrastructures to train the human resources. This situation led to high unemployment rate and people were not interested to earn for living. Based on the information available in World Bank about the percentage of labour participation, it is seen that the year 1995 had the highest labour participation of 53.1%. It then declined to 43.6% in 2014 (Mahmoud, 2015).
The unemployment status still continues in the country. In fact it has increased at the current year affecting the economy largely. While the participation of labour force has decreased over the period 1995 – 2014, the labour force population has increased. The highest rate of 6.1% is achieved in the year 2014. It shows the lack of opportunities to the largely available labour force that has made them unemployed.Out of the high labour force available in Syria, the participation of male labour force has been high in the year 1995 at 82.1%. However, this has reduced to 72.6% in 2014. On the other hand, it has been 23.3% in 1995 and 13.6% in 2014 for female labour participation. This shows that the number of females engaged in employment is less when compared to that of men but the youth unemployment ratio is increasing in the last few years. The highest youth unemployment ratio of 33.7% was recorded in 2011 and this has reduced to 30.1% in 2014. This is a good sign (Hinnebusch, 1989). There are various risks to the country due to high unemployment rate in almost all the categories-male, female and the youth. The labour participation statistics has revealed certain frightening facts calling for immediate reforms by the Syrian government.



