



特斯拉汽车公司生产的电动汽车具有高度的可持续性,并且对环境友好。该公司最初于2003年在加州成立。它最终获得了贝宝(PayPal)联合创始人埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的支持。这家公司的目标是为那些对驾驶有激情的人生产可持续的汽车。这家公司是生产大众电子汽车的先驱公司。该公司的车辆安装了一个零排放的电动马达,从可充电电池(布拉德利,2016)获得电力。电动汽车生产背后的理念是,大众无法负担得起电动汽车。还有一种表面现象是,很难维持这种带有政治内涵的冒险(Eberhard & Tarpenning, 2006)。在拥有这些混合动力汽车的情况下,也有一种排他性。


因此,Pay pal的创始人对产品给予了很多支持。该公司之所以支持该产品,是因为该产品效率高、体验新颖、优化程度高。市场上对此类产品的要求很高(Mangram, 2012)。然而,尽管有这些积极的方面,公司仍有一些关键问题需要解决。以下将详细讨论这一点。该公司的关键能源问题是缺乏大规模的消费者需求。最初的销售很有希望,但公司需要更多的消费者来维持生计。这个因素,涉及到生产的成本,以及供应商的问题,使得公司面临着很多问题(Kwan, 2015)。他们是如下。


Tesla motors produce electric cars that are highly sustainable and are friendly towards the environment. The company was originally established in California in 2003. It eventually gained support from Elon Musk, a co-founder of PayPal. The objective of this company is to generate sustainable automobiles for individuals who have a passion towards driving. The company was a pioneering firm to produce mass electronic cars. The vehicles from the company were fitted with a zero-emission electric motor that obtains its power from rechargeable battery (Bradley, 2016). The notion behind the production of electric vehicles is that they are not affordable for the masses. There is also a façade that it is difficult to maintain this venture with political connotations (Eberhard & Tarpenning, 2006). There is also an exclusivity that has been observed with owing these hybrid vehicles.

Owing to this, the Pay pal founder gave a lot of support to the products. Reasons for the company to back this product were because of the high efficiency, novel experience, and high levels of optimization of the product. There was a high level of requirement for such products in the markets (Mangram, 2012). Nevertheless, in spite of these positive aspects, there were some key issues that needed to be addressed by the company. This has been probed in detail in the following. The key energy issues for the company are lack of mass consumer requirement. Initial sales were promising but the company needed more consumers for the sustenance. This factor, the costs involved in production, and issues of suppliers have caused the company to face a number of issues (Kwan, 2015). They are as follows.



