
代寫essay -多元化管理的總結


本文主要是講多元化管理的總結,多元化管理還包括承認員工的獨特行為和價值觀,並將其納入組織的每個維度,以促進競爭效益和長期增長(Topi, 2004)。不幸的是,大多數管理者往往由於文化的盲目性或由於沒有理解它的能力而無法看到或認識它。同樣地,組織對文化多樣性的影響也影響著它在整個系統中被管理的方式。本篇代寫essay 文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Diversity management further involves acknowledgement of distinct behaviours and values of employees and accommodates it within every organization dimension to contribute towards competitive benefit and growth of long term nature (Topi, 2004). Most managers unfortunately often fail at seeing or recognizing it either due to blindness of culture or due to not having the ability of understanding it. In the same way, organization has an impact over diversity of culture influencing the way in which it has been managed across its system.
Several factors further lead towards contributing towards culture diversity within culture and in the same way, it further has several influences within organization. It has proved to develop effects of favourable and unfavourable nature over the organization and to manage such influences resulting in enhancing positive influences while attempting to decrease the negative influence. This eventually either motivates or demotivates the diversity in culture and its integration within the organization system. The cultural diversity outcome therefore depends over the management of cultural diversity. The cultural diversity concept is as complicated as the view most organizations have over this conception making it problematic to decrease down to any particular view or way to manage diversity of culture in a successful manner.
The study of Adler’s model still acts as a base to common strategies that can be utilized for management of culture based diversity (Zakaria et al., 2004). The cultural diversity concept is as complicated as the view most companies have over such concept, making it problematic to narrow down to any particular view or way to manage diversity culturally in a successful manner. Most of the theories discussed over the cultural diversity subject across organizations brings forward negative and positive results. This further implies that the way in which these are managed influences the ones that are enhanced. For the cultural diversity management however to have positive results, people need to be involved in the requirement of participating a great deal in formulating the situation to work appropriately as this can be used as an essential tool.



