


基督教是世界上最大的宗教之一。根據這種宗教,上帝是神性的同義詞。上帝被認為是普遍存在的,他是至高無上的,人是在他的反思中被創造出來的。基督教的發展超越了人是上帝創造的信仰和他的生活目標,它與上帝同在。這種與上帝的合一和親近只能通過遵循耶穌基督的教導來實現,他被認為是地球上上帝的肉身化身(Pope, 2007)。耶穌被認為是神的兒子,他自己就是神。根據他們的信仰體系,耶穌基督的教導是來自至高神自己的直接命令。因此,把人帶到神面前的唯一方法就是相信耶穌基督和他寫在聖經裡的教導。根據佛教信仰,沒有外在的對上帝的感知。

“所有存在的都是自發產生的,就像花從種子中有機生長一樣,只要有正確的原因和條件”(Pope, 2007)。有些人不完全理解佛教的概念,常常把喬達摩佛的形象和耶穌基督混為一談。他們常常認為佛陀和耶穌一樣,是上帝的肉身化身。佛陀曾經被另一位母親問過許多問題。這一系列的問題是“你是什麼?”“你是神嗎?””“不。 ”“天使?”“不。 ”“聖人?”“不。 “那你是乾什麼的?”佛陀回答“我醒了”(Smith, 1994)。在這裡,“醒”指的是佛陀所達到的覺悟,使他從“我”或“我”的概念中解脫出來。這種精神上的覺醒被稱為涅磐。


Christianity is one of the largest religions of the world. According to this religion, God is the synonym of divinity. God is considered to be universally present, he is supreme, and that man was created in his reflection. Christianity advances over the belief that man was created by God and the goal of his life it to stay with God. This oneness and nearness with God can only be achieved by following the teachings of Jesus Christ, who is considered as the physical incarnation of God on earth (Pope, 2007). Jesus is considered as the son of God and he himself is the God. According to their belief system, the teachings of Jesus Christ were the direct commands from supreme God himself. Thus, the only way that takes man to God is to believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings written in Bible.According to the Buddhist belief, there is no outer perception of God.

“All that exists is spontaneous arising, in the same way that a flower grows organically from seed, given the right causes and conditions” (Pope, 2007). Some of the people who do not understand the concept of Buddhism completely often confuse the figure of Gautama Buddha with Jesus Christ. The often have the idea that Buddha is the physical embodiment of God same as Jesus. Buddha was once asked many questions by another ma. The series of questions were “What are you?” “Are you a god?” “No.” “An angel?” “No.” “A saint?” “No.” “Then what are you?” Buddha answered “I am awake” (Smith, 1994). Here the reference of being awake is for the enlightenment that Buddha had achieved, which freed him from the concept of ‘I’ or self. This spiritual awakening is called as nirvana.



