



清洁的空气是衡量污染粒子微观尺寸的帮助也称为PM 2.5大气中。根据世卫组织,任何个人暴露超过24小时,空气中有PM2.5水平高于25是潜在的危险。在北京,在冬季,PM2.5水平上升到大约300到400马克定期,而且它也不例外,它有时也触动600大关。一些健康相关疾病与有毒空气,包括北京的大气。已经观察到,污染的空气中北京和中国其他城市的主要贡献者是每年有大约160万人死亡。在几项研究,孩子更脆弱和任何其他个人,因为空气污染。记录,由造成空气质量差会影响儿童哮喘和一些疾病与呼吸相关跟踪(经合组织498)。



The cleanliness of air is measured by the help of a pollution particle microscopic in size also known as PM 2.5 which is present in the atmospheric air. According to WHO, any individual exposed for more than 24 hours to air having PM2.5 level higher than 25 is potentially hazardous. In Beijing, during the winter season, the level of PM2.5 goes up to around 300 to 400 mark on a regular basis, and it is not exceptional that it sometimes also touches the 600 mark. Several health related ailments have been associated with toxic air that encompasses the atmosphere of Beijing. It has been observed that pollution present in the air of Beijing and in other cities of China is the main contributor of deaths of around 1.6 million individuals annually. It has been stated in several studies that children are more vulnerable and any other individuals because of air pollution. It has been recorded that poor air quality can impact children by causing asthma and several illnesses associated with the respiratory track (OECD 498).

Exposure to extreme air pollution also causes developmental delay or neuro-cognitive hindrances. There are evidences that air pollution might also contribute towards obesity in children. It has also been stated that children exposed to toxic air pollutants might perform badly in studies and are more likely to have an inferior academic records. It has also been stated that exposure to harmful pollutants in air at a higher concentration at the early childhood days might impact their health on a lifelong basis than adults, since children consume more air and food per unit of their body weight. As they are developing and growing rapidly, their systems are more susceptible to the blow of toxins and these pre-mature abuses can be visible as diseases in the adulthood. Majority of the parents in Beijing as well as in other parts of China are very anxious about how they are going to raise their families and children in cities and towns that are regularly covered with thick blanket of smog.



