






Appadurai (pg. 15) speaks about the indivisibility of humans and objects, such that the objects are nothing but ever evolving and taking different forms with the change in perspective of humans. He admits that things or objects are invested in with the social relations of humans, where it is humans who give some kind of social meaning to the objects and things. Commodities or things are prestigious when first made, later becomes old and antique, then lose its value, and then again come back to their original state of existence. Thus, things and humans are not different from each other, for things would not have existed without having received a meaning from humans. He described India as not a full consumer market because things are traded for their necessity and not for the hidden value that they can generate, whereas the US is a fully grown consumer market where the commodities are valued for their utility which includes houses, authors, athletes, body parts, etc. Thus, things are nothing more than the extension of the social knowledge of humans and keep changing their existence according to the meaning attached to them. Brown (pg. 4) has a very different view about things in general.

He mentions that things are more than what we assume them to be, because sometimes they are the substitutes for loss of words. Things hold a special meaning which is very vague for understanding. Things and their meanings lie within the specific description of the object or beyond the specifiable limit of description. Thus, things are mere objects with a specific un-specificity leading one to keep it ambiguous and endless in its universal definition and acceptance. He adds that things can never have any specific theory to confine it to a limited understanding when people themselves have not been able to give things a specific meaning. Things are in itself their own definition, because they can only be defined as emptiness, as nothing else is able to represent things. A question arises here that if things are represented by emptiness, wouldn’t they have some kind of inherent value of the materiality attached to it, because they are used as utility by humans. This makes an interesting observation about things and the perception of its inherent value among people who uses these them for their survival.



