



The bounce rate of the visitors is highly based on the first impression of the website on the visitors. The various factors considered for calculating the impact of first impression include designing features and website capabilities, website’s downloading time and the manner in which credential validations are presented.Advanced level navigation capabilities are expected by the website visitors. In case such navigation capabilities are absent then they negatively impact the brand image of the company’s website.The content provided on the hotel website must be useful and informative to the visitors without any exception. The factors that have an impact on the quality of the website content include updated information, information available in different languages to be useful for visitors of foreign countries and FAQs, etc.
The website attractions are used for increasing the return ratio of visitors on the website. Website attractions thus help in achieving the objectives of the hotel website.This is the most important criteria with which the success of the website can be assessed. Effortless information sharing holds greater importance in the tourism and hospitality industry. It is marked as a success factor because it helps in assessing the decision-making nature of the visitors. The decision of the visitors of the hotel depends on various factors such as location, price and value proposition, etc. The website of the hotel needs to be easily understood to the website visitors in terms of providing them relevant and complete information.
The hotel website should be highly interactive with the visitors. This effective interaction leaves positive impact on the engagement of visitors and this also increases the level of commitment for the recurring visits in the hotel. The hotel authorities must ensure that the performance and functionality of the hotel website does not depend on the various types of browser and website monitoring formats. The website must be compatible with the website.It is not easy to achieve user satisfaction because of the high level subjectivity. It must also be noted that profit maximization is positively correlated with satisfaction of users. Therefore, this criterion provides accurate information about the effectiveness of the website. The website must provide crucial information about the hotel such as history of company, company’s mission and career opportunities. If reflected on the website, it will positively affect the brand image of the company.



