


本文的主要內容講供應鏈競爭,供應鏈管理的研究發現,為了獲得競爭優勢,組織的職能節點之間的競爭加劇。一個普遍的觀點是,任何行業同行之間的競爭都在逐漸減弱。取而代之的是一個新的競爭指標。組織內部的職能是互相競爭(Childhouse和Towill, 2003)。他們正在為獲得競爭優勢而戰。 20世紀90年代末,由於全球化,傳統做法被數字流程週期所取代,這導致了供應鏈動態的結構演變。本篇代寫文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Studies in supply chain management found competition intensifying among functional nodes of the organization to gain competitive advantage. A common viewpoint is that competition among peers of any industry is tapering out slowly. In its place a new competitive metric is playing out. Functions within the organization itself are viewing each other competitively (Childhouse and Towill, 2003). They are battling to gain competitive advantage. The replacement of traditional practices, due to globalization, in the late 1990s, with digital process cycles have led to the structural evolution within the supply chain dynamics.
Hence a paradigm shift in OBB is required to gain from the supply chain competitive playfield. Studies have proved that organizational performance was edgier with better SCM practices.
In The International Journal of Management Science research publication titled “The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on Competitive advantage and Organizational Performance,” authors Suhong Li, Bhanu Ragu-Nathan, T.S. Ragu-Nathan, S. Subba Rao used structural equation modelling to test their research concept on effective Supply Chain Management (SCM). They used data from 196 organizations to develop five SCM practice (customer relationship, strategic supplier partnership, postponement, information sharing on two measures- first the quality, and second the level of sharing.) They then tested the “relationships between” SCM practices and organization performance, as well as competitive advantage. Their report found that “higher levels of SCM practice can lead to enhanced competitive advantage as well as improved organizational performance.” They also concluded that “competitive advantage can have direct, positive impact on organizational performance.”
Hence, it becomes necessary that buyer behaviour in an organization is realigned. The first step to create efficiency in this context is to overcome internal influences both – perceived and non-tangibles.



