



It is not possible that there may be other forms of life in the cosmos considering its infinite vastness and based on how little the researchers know about it. The nearest stars in the Milky Way are several light years away, and a round trip to one of them would take many years. One may agnostically refuse to entertain the possibility of such a hypothetical existence. However, it may be countered that such an attitude is only the limiting effects of the anthropocentric mindset. “Humans alone are living in the entire galaxy” and they are the rulers of the Milky Way (Freedman, 2015).
Hence, either way, the search for extra-terrestrials continues to flourish under the well-groomed guidance of science. Physical travel between stars to check their habitability is impossible. Therefore, organizations like the SETI make use of advanced signal detecting technologies like light and sound waves to receive any signal that might originate from outer space. Scientists are still researching on many mysterious things about the galaxy.It might be concluded that the endeavours of SETI are worthwhile and the search for extra-terrestrials is a justified one. The scientific research, methods, and technologies used and developed by SETI help in the general growth of science and astrophysics.
Various innovative machines are used that detect other signals like those associated with weather, cyber signals and movements of distant heavenly bodies. By any chance, if SETI does come across some direct and concrete evidence of extra-terrestrial intelligence, it would reach its summum bonum. It would be a new era for humankind itself to contact the other intelligent being in space. Hence the situation is a win-win one for SETI, which under all circumstances should continue with their mission. The investigations are still carried out by the scientist from all over the world about the creatures that may exist in other planets.




