


本文主要讲员工的激励和培训,员工激励对于企业和酒店的成功和竞争力是非常重要的。所提供的服务质量取决于员工的技能和动机。在工作中感到满意和安全的员工更致力于为客人提供优质的服务(Chen, 2013)。有很多类型的酒店组织,这些组织的成功和服务质量的提高依赖于他们的员工。员工的积极性也会影响客人的满意度。酒店训练有素、工作积极主动的员工为客人提供舒适、愉快的住宿体验。本篇代写价格文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

For the success and competitiveness of the companies and hotels, employee motivation is very significant. The quality of the service provided depends upon the skills and motivation of the employees. The workers who feel satisfied and secure in their workplace are more dedicated towards offering quality services to the guests (Chen, 2013). There are many kinds of hospitality organizations, which are dependent on their employees for organizational success and improved service quality. Employee motivation also impacts the guest’s satisfaction. The well trained and motivated staff at the hotel helps guests to have comfortable and pleasurable stay .
A service in hospitality depends upon the significant relationship among the demands of the tourists and supplied services. It is very important to satisfy the needs of the guests to improve reputation of the hotel. The employees and guests are in direct contact for offering the necessary services. Thus, the guest’s satisfaction factor depends on the employees (Chen, 2013). The employees working in the frontline are in direct contact with the guests. Empowerment of these employees by providing incentives can enhance guests’ experience. The motivated employees feel more satisfied with their work, and also develop problem solving skills and take autonomous decisions.
Employees feel more energetic towards their work, when they receive good incentives from their companies. Hospitality industry is not different from other industries, and here employees require more motivation and dedication. The quality of the service is improved, when employees are motivated. The motivation of the employees in the hospitality industry has been a very interesting subject for the scholars. Employees are the most important asset for the hospitality industries, and keeping them motivated. Employee turnover in the hospitality industry is a major problem due to long working hours, low compensation, poor working conditions, and inadequate benefits. Sturman & Ford, (2011) highlights that due to the high level of the labor turnover and the nature of incentives, hotel industry displays low job satisfaction, limited promotion opportunities, and low pay and shift timings. In such conditions, motivation of the employees and their service delivery can be improved through good level of incentives and benefits. The study of Chen (2013) states that the analysis of the employee needs in the hospitality industry is very important.




