


本文主要讲的是中国医院绩效差异巨大的原因,You et al.(2013)也指出,与欧洲医院相比,中国医院缺乏足够的基础设施来容纳有经验的护士,这也是中国医院绩效差异巨大的一个关键原因。总的来说,You等人(2013)、Kadda等人(2012)和Madhusoodan等人(2015)提出的论点表明了护理经验和知识在向危重病人提供护理中的重要性。然而,支持这一事实的证据是不够的,因为大多数的研究文本要么是过时的,要么与心脏设置的相关性最小。本篇代写价格文章由澳洲论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

You et al. (2013) also noted that in comparison to European hospitals, Chinese hospitals lacked adequate infrastructure that was required to accommodate experienced nurses, which in turn can be identified as a key reason for huge differences in their performances. On the whole, the arguments presented by You et al. (2013), Kadda et al. (2012) and Madhusoodan (2015) indicate the significance of nursing experience and knowledge in delivering care to patients going through critical health conditions. Nonetheless, evidences to support this fact were inadequate, as most of the research texts were either outdated or had minimum relevance to cardiac setting.
The gap identified thus point to the need to conduct this research, based on evidences collected through field to support the arguments and assess whether, experienced nurses are more efficient in delivering care to the patients as compared to nurses with lesser experience.Although the primary sources offered an insight to the post PCI care practices in the Hong Kong based healthcare center, the obtained data was limited by its generalizability and applicability in the larger context. Hence, the secondary sources were also used, in order to eradicate the limitation and augment the internal validity of this research. The secondary sources used in this study included online academic libraries and printed textual information. Accordingly, publications of previous researches based on the research issue were used in this study along with printed books and journals.
It helped in gathering useful information regarding the broadness of PCI and the significance of having efficient care practices after the surgery takes place. Information regarding general guidelines, defining the dos and don’ts of post PCI care, could also be gathered with the help of the secondary sources. Using the secondary sources also helped in understanding the concepts better, thereafter helping in the construction of the questionnaire. Stating precisely, both primary and secondary sources were used in this study to collect qualitative data that in turn supported the determined objectives, which aimed to explore the implications of nursing knowledge and expertise on the degree of their efficiency. These two forms of data sources acted as complimentary to each other in terms that notional differences between primary data obtained and secondary data gathered were minimized to a substantial extent. In turn, these elements increased data reliability of this study, enhancing its overall scope for future applications.




