



在1930年代,澳大利亚接受了大约70000名难民来自纳粹德国寻求庇护者(Silove &贝克尔,1993)。当世界战争结束后8年近200000难民定居在澳大利亚。最初国家拒绝承认避难所的权利。当时一个关于世界人权宣言》起草。歧视性政策是紧随其后的是白色的澳大利亚人是负责保持亚洲人排除在直到1973年移民到澳大利亚。最初的三波通过来到澳大利亚寻求庇护的船只。第一波是在1976年到1981年,它由大量的越南。至于第二波的情况下寻求庇护者而言由印度支那和他们迁移到澳大利亚在1989年到1998年。1999年,第三波庇护寻求者来到澳大利亚,这些基本上都是属于中东地区的起源。第一个事件被记录由澳大利亚政府是在1976年4月澳大利亚寻求庇护者到达时通过船只。1974年共产党的胜利后,近20000名寻求庇护者到达澳大利亚。




In 1930s, Australia accepted about 70,000 refugees coming from Nazi Germany as asylum seekers (Silove & Becker, 1993). When the world war ended after 8 years almost 200,000 refugees were settled in Australia. Initially the country refused to recognize the rights of asylums. At that time a universal declaration regarding Human Rights were drafted. The discriminatory policies being followed by White Australians was responsible to keep the Asians excluded from migration to Australia until 1973. The initial three waves of asylum seekers came to Australia through boats. The first wave came during 1976 to 1981 and it comprised of a large number of Vietnamese. As far as the case of second wave of asylum seekers is concerned it comprised of Indochinese and they migrated to Australia during 1989 to 1998. In the year 1999, the third wave of asylum seekers came to Australia and those were basically belonging to Middle East origin. The first incident that was recorded by Australian government was in April 1976 when asylum seekers arrived Australia through boats. After the victory of communist party in 1974, almost 20,000 asylum seekers reached Australia.


People of Australia showed their concern when number of unauthorized refugees was increased to an alarming extent. Family reunions were interpreted to be a root cause of controversy that emerged among Australian residents regarding asylum seekers. In addition to this security concerns and employment related issues were also raised due to inflow of asylum seekers. Strikes were called by Waterside Workers Federation to motivate the government to take some strict decisions regarding asylum seekers. The strikes called by them contributed to first detention of boat people by Australian government (Pickering, 2011). However, the government of Malcolm Fraser responded to the negative sentiments prevailing in Australia by authorizing the migration of about 50,000 Vietnamese asylum seekers mainly from Indian Ocean refugee camps. Bipartisan support was there for open door policy of immigration launched by the government of Australia at that particular time.



