


本篇文章講述的是推動組織高效實現目標,組織的共同願景是推動組織高效實現目標的動力。它為組織提供了方向感,就像他們目前所處的位置以及他們必須去或要去的地方(dehler&welsh, 1994;艾森巴赫等,1999;吉爾。2003)。在這裡,領導人的作用是重要的,因為領導人將幫助人民實現意義和目的。內在動機在這裡得以實現(Dehler & Welsh, 1994)。本篇代寫論文費用文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

A shared vision for the organization is what motivates the organization towards achieving their goals efficiently. It provides the organization with a sense of direction, as in where they are at the moment and where they have to go or be (Dehler& Welsh, 1994; Eisenbach et al., 1999; Gill. 2003). The role of the leaders is significant here as the leaders will help the people achieve meaning and purpose. Intrinsic motivation is enabled here (Dehler & Welsh, 1994).
In the context of change management, the vision making, defining and sharing process is important as it will ensure that there is clarity about the strategies towards change. People would be motivated to engage in the change management process with better awareness of what the organization requires from them. Leaders are instrumental in bringing this clarity to their fellow members (Gill, 2003). The leader should create an organizational culture that is supportive of the new vision of the organization (Branson, 2008; Bass, 1999). Sustainable changes are possible in the workplace only when organizational culture is aligned and hence the role of the leader is imperative in achieving this change. Leaders must encourage a more interactive environment where people would be able to welcome change in their own time and space and at the same time create opportunities for such an interaction to take place (Branson, 2008). This form of group inspiration and shared vision will help the organizational members motivate one another in the form of a chain (Gill, 2003).
In the absence of vision in an organization, the group norms for positive development and growth might not be created. Individuals would not be part of the dynamic to work together and the leader itself would end up having their authority challenged. In some contexts, negative group norms might also form that challenge the entire change transformation process instead of being aligned with it (Higgs & Rowland, 2010). Given this context, vision hence forms a very important part of change management. Without a perception of vision, the leader cannot get involved in the sense giving state which will be discussed next.
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