


本文主要講述的是“一人一語”策略是否對兒童學習雙語有幫助,研究發現,家庭的“一人一語”策略可能有助於兒童習得兩種語言(Barron-Hauwaert,2004),但不一定能成功習得兩種語言(De Houwer, 2007)。當孩子們聽來自同一對雙語父母的兩種語言時,他們通常能成功地學習這兩種語言(德霍沃)。因此,“一人一語”策略不足以成功地獲得雙語者。本篇代寫論文費用文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

It has been found from research that one-person-one-language strategy of the family may help a child in acquiring two languages (Barron-Hauwaert,2004), but it does not necessarily result in successful acquisition of two languages (De Houwer, 2007). When children listen to both the languages from the same bilingual parents, they often learn the two languages successfully (DE Houwer). Therefore, the one-person-one language strategy is not enough to successfully acquire the bilinguals.
It has been found that while some families adopt one-person-one-language strategy, other families adopt completely different strategies. Before going to find out other factors responsible for development of bilingual at an early stage, it may be kept in mind that those infants pick up a language by the processes of listening and interacting with speakers speaking different languages. Therefore, they need to be exposed to different sounds, words and the ‘rules of a language’ which is better known as Grammar. However, the quality of the language should be high, because children do not learn language by watching TV (DEloache et al, 2010, Kuhl, Tsaoand Liu, 2003). Bilingual toddlers can better learn if they get opportunities for interacting with multiple language speakers.
The question still remains to be answered are what strategies parents should adopt. The answer is to subject the children to high quality exposure that may include i) ‘one-person-one-language’, ii) one language at home-one language outside iii) alternating the days of a week. Some parents prefer to speak only one language to their children although they may know the other languages (Lanza, 2004), so as to expose the child to one specific language. Some families find it appropriate to adopt flexibility of use of language. This leads to a balanced exposure and the consequent positive interactions by the children. While adopting a particular strategy, each family should keep in mind the language proficiency of each member in the family and their preference for language which should be in compatibility with the situation prevalent in their community. Another important function is to objectively appraise, on daily basis, the listening input of the child and not what the parents intend your child to listen. At the same time, they should adjust the use of language whenever and wherever needed.



