



这一理论的假设是,在市场中存在着以极端公平和效率运作的极端适宜性和脆弱性。如果放任自流,结果将是不公平和低效的(Hanan, 2009)。有一种假设是,政府可以被认为是中立的仲裁者。公共利益理论认为,政府有责任对银行进行规制,通过改善市场失灵来促进银行的有效功能。这对于从更广泛的公民社会中获益至关重要(Ziad and Ayoub, 2009)。在银行领域,如果银行系统进行资源配置,就会为公众利益服务。这是通过感知社会效率来最小化差异和最大化产出,以及其他财务或职能的良好表现来实现的。

该理论认为,监管者考虑寻找具有经济效率的市场情况(Shaheen, 2006)。关键论点是,在不完全竞争的市场中,跨组织的市场力量必须具有一定的控制力。在考虑自然垄断时,有必要考虑降低价格和增加产量的规定。当考虑到寡头垄断市场时,组织倾向于采用规则来防止高强度的竞争(Hanan, 2009)。这一理论进一步要求对组织进行监管,以确保某些服务和产品始终可用,如电话服务、医疗设施和电力。否则,这就不能被认为是在一个具体社区内诱导不受管制的组织提供这些服务是有利可图的。


The assumption of this theory is that there is extreme aptness and fragility in the markets for operating with extreme equity and efficiency. If it is left on its own, it turns out to be inequitable and inefficient (Hanan, 2009). There is an assumption that the government can be considered as a neutral arbiter. The view of public interest theory perceives that governments are responsible for regulating banks for the facilitation of efficient functions by banks via the amelioration of failures in the market. This is crucial for benefitting from the wider civil society (Ziad and Ayoub, 2009). In the field of banking, there will be serving of public interest if there is allocation of resources by banking systems. This is done perceiving social efficiency to minimize variance and maximize output, and well performance of other finances or functions.

The theory perceives that regulators consider finding situations of the market that have economic efficiency (Shaheen, 2006). The key argument is that the power of the market across organizations must have some control in imperfect competitive markets. When considering natural monopolies, there is a necessary consideration of regulations for lowering prices and increasing output. When considering oligopolistic markets, organizations tend to prefer regulations for preventing the high intensity of competition (Hanan, 2009). This theory further necessitates the regulation of organizations for guaranteeing that certain services and products are always available like telephone services, medical facilities, and electricity.Otherwise, this cannot be considered as sufficiency profitable for inducing unregulated organization for their provision within a specific community.



