



因此,公司应该考虑的主要问题是,考虑到存在争议的变量,前台的生产率有多大可能提高。高级酒店应该考虑是否可能的生产率是10%或20%。然后他们应该尝试制定一个衡量标准来满足消费者的需求。然而,这并不容易。该公司无法直接给出一个具体的数字以供破译。提高效率并不是通过降低成本来提高服务质量(Chon & Yu, 2012)。可以通过拥有有效的资源来增加产出。利用技术可以帮助满足需求。然而,这并不是提高效率的唯一因素(Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010)。

有必要对战略进行分析和制定战略管理,以帮助满足需求或要求。为了提高目前的绩效质量,精品酒店应该首先设定有助于提高生产率的质量和绩效目标。Hayes和Wheelwright开发了一个四阶段模型,用于评估和促进产品的运行性能。初始阶段是内部中立。在这一阶段,公司应该研究当前的流程,并对其优缺点进行分析(Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010)。在这个过程中,内部分析是操作的第一步。第二步是外部中立。


Hence the main question that the company should question is how much productivity improvement is possible for the front desk given the variables in contention. Premium Inn should consider if the amount of productivity that could be possible is 10 or 20%. Then they should try and develop a metric to meet the consumer demands. This however is not easy. The company cannot directly give a tangible figure to decipher. Increasing effectiveness is not deriving ways to improve service by reducing costs (Chon & Yu, 2012). Outputs can be increased by having efficient resources. Utilization of technology can help meet the demands. However, it is not the only factor that can improve efficiency (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010).

There is a need for strategic analysis and development of strategic management to help meet the demands or the requirements. To improve the current quality of performance, Premium Inn should first set the quality and the performance objective that it would aid towards increased productivity. Hayes and Wheelwright have developed a four stage model that is used to evaluate and contribute towards the operational performance of the product. Initial stage is the internal neutrality. In this stage, the company should look into the current processes and develop an analysis of the areas of strength and weakness (Slack, Chambers & Johnston, 2010). In this process, the internal analysis should be conducted as the first step of the operation. The second step is external neutrality.



