
代寫論文 價格-風力渦輪機


本文主要講述的是風力渦輪機,雖然輸電線是世界上大多數國家的主要電力來源,風力發電也是一個重要的能源來源。大多數人都描述了他們對風力渦輪機和能源發電的大力支持,也有相當多的人指出了風力渦輪機運行中存在的一些問題。在這些嚴重的問題中,健康問題引起了居住在風力渦輪機附近的居民的關注。住在風力渦輪機附近的人們抱怨了不利的健康影響,如聽力受損,注意力不集中,頭痛,眩暈和睡眠中斷(Hickey, 2010)。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

While the power lines are a major source of electricity in most of the countries around the world, the wind power is also an important source of energy. Most of the people have depicted their overwhelming support to the wind turbines and energy generation, and quite a lot of people have pointed out a number of issues due to the wind turbine operations. Among the serious issues, it is the health issues that have raised concern among residents living near the wind turbines. People living near the wind turbines have complained of adverse health effects such as hearing impairment, lack of concentration, headaches, and vertigo and sleep disruption (Hickey, 2010).
Several researches have been conducted to identify the health effects of wind turbines and recently, a groundbreaking research has underpinned the debatable philosophy. An American doctor named Dr. Nina Pierpont has been studying the impact experienced by the people living within the vicinity of wind turbines especially in the US, the UK, Canada, Ireland, and Italy. The five-year long study has led to the evolution of a new health risk, which is collectively known as the Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS). She has elaborated on the health risks as the visceral vibratory vestibular disturbance or VVVD (Pagano, 2009).
The impact of the turbine infrasound and the low-frequency noise has been disrupting and causing abnormal stimulation in the vestibular system of the inner ears. Dr. Pierpont has also clearly pointed out some other problems in virtue of the turbine noise which are internal pulsation, nervousness, increased heart rate, chest tightness, quivering and tachycardia. While the government has termed the findings of Pierpont as imaginary and baseless and that low-frequency noises from wind turbine do not cause harm to human health. However, Pierpont’s claim and study was supported and backed by the founder of British Sleep Society, Christopher Hanning. In addition, Portuguese doctors have conducted a research on studying the impact of the low-frequency sound of wind turbines.
This has thrown light onto what is known as Flicker and believed to have a significant impact on people suffering from epilepsy and migraines. A report published by The Telegraph has paved the path for wind turbines causing damage to brains. It has been found out that rain is susceptible to low-frequency sounds and the noise triggered by the rotor blades of wind turbines affects the emotional well-being of the people by affecting a part of their brains (Knapton, 2015).A medical study has shown that infrasound as low as 8 Hz are picked by the primary auditory cortex, which influences brain to create a diffuse perception that the sound is related to some kind of danger. Thus, researches and study have revealed that there is the significant negative impact on the power lines and wind turbines on the human health (Kloor, 2016).



