
代寫論文 價格-學校的社交媒體需要保護政策


本文主要講學校的社交媒體需要保護政策,社交媒體和相關技術的大量增長與易用性和廣泛性相結合。這些使他們成為有吸引力的溝通渠道。這些工具可能會帶來一系列意想不到的後果。這些有助於查明潛在的問題。許多例子被用於各種機構,使人們能夠理解和獲得一系列的觀點。就社交媒體而言,需要考慮的重要因素是它關注人們與他人互動的方式。對受保護信息的關係或共享潛力的誤解的內在潛力(Uow edu au)。 2017)。必鬚髮展師生關係、上下級關係以及利用媒體門戶進行社會互動的性質。在此分析中,將對所有的觀點進行批判性的類比,並最終得出解決方案。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由澳洲論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The prolific growth of the social media and related technologies are combined with the ease of use and the pervasiveness. These make them attractive channels of communication. These tools hold the possibility of a range of unintended consequences. These foster in the the identification of the potential issues. Numerous examples are used with various institutions that enable people to comprehend and gain a range of perspectives. The important factors that need to be considered in the case of the social media are that it focusses on the ways in which the people to interact with others. An innate potential for misinterpretation of the relationship or potential of sharing protected information (Uow edu au. 2017). Faculty-student relationship, subordinate-supervisor relations and the nature of the social interacting using the media portals must be developed. In this analysis critical analogies of all the viewpoints and finally solutions will be drawn.
The University of Wollongong has a number of important decisions and guidelines that it provides to the staff and the students of the university.
University of Wollongong considers the growth of the social media and related technologies. They have undertaken a number of changes in order to meet the changing demands of the people. Many channels of communication have been addressed. The university has a strong online presence in many of the portals. It is imperative to develop a more comprehensive solution and stringent measures to meet the misconduct activities of the students or the staff. The current scheme of changing the technology trends every 2 years should be changed to 6 months. The other important recommendation that has been made is to change the current trends to using the online analytics tools. The University must understand about the current trends and changes by using these tools. The updating of the system every 6 months would cause the University to prevent itself from malicious attack.
To conclude, the current system of social media protection policy of the University is adequate and addresses the current need. They are comprehensive and adheres to the generic laws that are prevalent in the nation. However, there must be changes initiating to protect the University from future attacks.



