



由此产生的风险也可能发生,并受到旅游运营商和目的地服务提供商之间的某种冲突的影响,在这种冲突中,客人可能不得不忍受他们之间的对峙。这种情况很少见,但会导致关系紧张,甚至会发生肢体冲突,可能会伤害到客人和游客。这些风险是有可能发生的,酒店服务供应商必须确保在旅游过程中采取各种补救措施,并通过他们额外和积极的计划和能力来防止风险的出现,确保活动能够保持风险证明。影响风险产生的因素可能在其程度上有所不同,这取决于酒店服务提供商的作业是否阻止了影响风险的因素(Laws, Prideaux and Chon, 2007)。例如,如果有一个天气预报预计大型雪崩附近的酒店,酒店是准备事件并对其计划进行更改,并避免去看网站,然后将较弱的影响,将会有更少或根本没有损害到客人和游客。

同样,如果活动组织者对可能发生的恐怖袭击信息有所准备,他们将取消该项目或更改该项目计划,并将游客带到其他地方,这样做更安全。这说明,对风险产生影响的因素进行研究,可以对其对游客和活动的影响程度产生重大影响。因此,这些因素主要与风险的评估和消除有关,它们对风险的展开方式有很大影响,并对酒店活动中产生的风险产生重大影响,并造成危机和灾难等情况(Pender and Sharpley, 2005)。在控制和评估这些因素时,所发生的危险程度可以根据评估的质量和为抑制其影响能力而采取的措施在一定程度上减少甚至消除。


The risks arising can also take place and be influenced by some kind of conflict between the tour operator and the destination service provider, where the guest may have to suffer from their stand-off. This is rare situation but can lead to stiffened relations and even physical fights which can possibly harm the guests and tourists. These kinds of risks are possible and the hospitality service provider must ensure that all kinds of remedies are taken along with the tour and the event can remain risk proof with their extra and proactive planning and abilities to prevent the emergence of risks. The factors which affect the risks to arise may be different in their extent which depends on the homework of the hospitality service provider to have prevented the factor to influence the risks (Laws, Prideaux and Chon, 2007). For example, if there is a weather forecast which is expecting a large avalanche in the vicinity of the hotel, and the hotel is prepared for the event and makes changes to its plans and avoids going to the site, then the influence will be weaker and there will be less or no damage at all to the guests and tourists.

Similarly, if the event organisers are prepared about the information of possible terrorist attacks, they will cancel the program or make changes to the program plans and take the tourists elsewhere it is safer to conduct the holiday plans. This indicates that the study of the factors that can influence the risks arising can make significant impacts on the extent of the impact that it can make on the tourists and the event. Therefore, the factors, primarily related to the assessment and elimination of risks, make a lot of difference in the way they are able to unfold them and make a significant impact on the risks arising during hospitality events and create crisis and disaster like situations (Pender and Sharpley, 2005). The factors when controlled and assessed, the extent of risks taking place can be minimised and even eliminated to an extent depending on the quality of assessment and the measures taken to suppress its ability to impact.



