



摩托罗拉不同意转向3G革命,在这场革命中,每个人都在大规模地提出要求。这使得公司的客户基础崩溃,当苹果和诺基亚增长更快的时候,他们把忠诚转移到竞争对手那里。在需要倾听的地方,它没有倾听顾客的意见,这种对市场的不了解和不了解将成功的故事变成了失败,并缓慢地走向更多的财务损失和产品停滞(Birkinshaw, 2013)。该公司无法在现有市场销售大量产品,因此客户立即转向竞争对手,因为竞争对手一直在等待机会利用这种情况。

错误的商业决策时间是摩托罗拉的另一个错误,它在决定什么时候做出正确的决策并在市场上实施时更加困难(Anderson, 2012)。它用自己的频谱换取了与Nextel的价值,而Verizon、AT&T和高通拥有更多的频谱,客户一直为这些频谱付费。这是摩托罗拉的一个错误,它没有预料到所售频谱的价值,而且每年都要重新开始。这是一个简单的缺乏适当的关注和价值的当前和未来的财产。该公司并不认为这一点很重要,这表明其领导层未能识别其所拥有的资产,并对其进行价值交易。


Motorola did not agree to move to the 3G revolution where everyone was demanding on a large scale. This made the company collapse its customer base and they moved their loyalty to rivals when Apple and Nokia had been growing faster. It did not listen to its customers where it needed to listen and this lack of knowing the market and understanding the market converted the success story into a failure and slow movement towards more financial loss and product immobility (Birkinshaw, 2013). It could not sell substantial product in the markets of its presence, and therefore the customers immediately shifted to rivals as the rivals had always been waiting for chance to capitalise on such a situation.

Wrong timing of business decisions is another mistake made by Motorola, as it had more difficulty in deciding when to take the right decision and implement it in the market (Anderson, 2012). It traded its spectrum for a value with Nextel, whereas Verizon, AT&T, and Qualcomm held much more spectrum for which customers kept paying them. This was a mistake by Motorola that it did not anticipate the value of the spectrum that is sold and started afresh ever year. This is a simple lack of proper attention and valuing the current and future worth of their possessions. The firm did not consider it as important, indicating the failure of its leadership to identify the assets that it owned and trading them for a value.



