


城市權更多地與個人自由有關,而與城市資源無關。城市權的出現是為了創造一個更加一體化的社會。這種觀念糾正了低收入者因種族、意識形態或性取向而流離失所和被邊緣化的現象。城市權是一場注重創造種族正義、城市正義或民主的運動(Harvey, 2012)。在所有國家中,最常見的排斥現像是收入在城市發展和規劃中所起的作用。本分析的目的是參照空間環境分析在創建社會包容性城市中存在的主要挑戰(Harvey, 2012)。為此目的使用了馬拉維的案例研究。


The right to the city is more to do with the individual liberty rather than urban resources. The right to the city emerged as a way to create a more integrated society. The displacement of the low-income people and marginalization of people based on their ethnicity, ideology or sexual orientation is rectified in this notion. The right to the city is a movement that focuses on creation of a racial justice, urban justice or democracy (Harvey, 2012). The most common exclusion that has been observed in many countries across the spectrum is the role of the income in the urban development and planning. The purpose of this analysis is to analyse the key challenges that exist in the creation of socially inclusive cities with reference to the spatial context (Harvey, 2012). The case study of Malawi has been used for this purpose.
It has been determined from this analysis that the income distribution of the people plays an important role in the urban planning and development. To address this issue there should be a more inclusive urban planning that leads the people towards common growth. Innovative urban management allows in the creation of a more inclusive society that caters to the requirement of all the people. In the Right to the city concept of Lefebvre there has been the use and production of the urban spaces. Participation and appropriation are the two rights that have been espoused in this notion of right to the city. Most of the urban dwellers esp.the poor have no voice in the ownership and the commodification of the urban spaces. The people in the poorer economic areas do not have any real voice towards the urban planning and development of the cities.



