



丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)解释说,有两种类型的人类大脑的思维系统被称为系统的我,另一个是系统II。丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)使用各种即时图片为了给例子关于思维和不同阶段的理解,人类实践是他们的日常生活。他解释说,有两种类型的思维在人类在一个地方,是有意识的思考,第二个是无意识的思考。收集信息是一个思考过程的重要组成部分,它是通过收集来自环境和思维在两个方面,一个是有意识的思维被认为是重要的,大部分的行动的基础上有意识的思考。




Daniel Kahneman has explained that there are two types of the thinking system in human mind the one is known as the system I and the other is the system II. The Daniel Kahneman used various instant pictures in order to give examples about the stages of thinking and difference in understanding that humans practice is their daily life. He explained that there are two type of thinking in human at the one place and that is the conscious thinking and second one is the unconscious thinking. Gathering information is an important part of thinking process and it is done through collection from surroundings and thinking in two ways, the one is the conscious thinking that is considered important and most of the actions are taken on the base of this conscious thinking.


The second thinking is the unconscious thinking, it is the work of human mind that he automatically gathers information from surroundings with the help of senses and keeps making a rough visual and understanding about that information. Most of the time the unconscious thinking of is ignored and people take decision on the base of conscious thinking. These two types of thinking are named as the system I and system II of thinking (newbooksinbrief.com, 2014). The system I is the procedure of unconscious thinking and the system II is the procedure of the conscious thinking in the brain.



