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The concept of experiential learning was developed by John Dewey and Kurt Levin and represents a theory of learning which has its roots in the “transformation of experience.” The concept states that the creation of knowledge comes from the transformation of experience. The theory is presented by a cyclic model of experiential learning having four stages (Armstrong and Fukami, 2009). A person can start learning from any of these stages, but requires following each of the four stages in order to gain knowledge and learning.
• Concrete Experience (Do)
• Reflective observation (observe)
• Conceptualization of summary (think)
• Active experimentation (plan)

The experiential learning cycle stages mentioned above shows how the experience of one person transforms into the reflection and then into concepts, which in turns becomes the guideline for active experimentation and allows formation of new experiences. The first stage is where a student experiments freely to gain experience. In the second stage, he gets to observe the process based on his actions. In third stage, the student is able to formulate a theory based on the active experiment and observation. The fourth stage shows developing a plan for next attempt at the same or a new experiment.



